secretary 同voluntary 點讀

2007-01-25 1:56 am
我不嬲讀四個音節, 即 'vol' 'lun' 'ter' 'ry'
但又聽過人讀三個音節, 即 'vol' 'lun' 'tree'
究竟tary 係讀'ter' 'ry' 定 'tree' ?

回答 (3)

2007-01-25 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
'vol'; 'lun'; 'ter'; 'ry'
美式: 'vol'; 'lun'; 'tree9
2007-01-26 3:15 am
should be 四個音節~唔係三個音節~

but i can tell you, if you hear people pronouncing --'vol'; 'lun'; 'tree9; please don't regard them as INCORRECT. This is just the way and the pace of different people speaking a word. Let me give you example:
"Sweet" -- it is jus 一個音節, but some HK people pronoun it as " Si- weet". According to the dictionary, it is wrong for sure.
2007-01-25 2:17 am
Voluntary is read as 'vol-lun-ta-ry'
If you look up the word in a dictionary, you will find it's phonetic transcription.
Therefore, reading it as 'vol-lun-tree' will be incorrect.
參考: Dictionary

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