
2007-01-25 12:34 am
1. Who is the young girl dancing over there?
2. Who are the childen reading English aloud in the classroom?
3. Whom did you talk about a moment ago?
4. Whom did your teacher shake hands with?
5. Whose dictionary is it?
6. Whose handwriting is the best in your class?
7. Which apple do you like better, the red one or the green one?
8. Which comes first,Christmas or New Year's Day?
9. What do people do on Christmas Day?
10.What is your favourate subject?

回答 (3)

2007-01-25 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope that this will help you............

1. Who is the young girl dancing over there?
Janice is the young girl dancing over there.

2. Who are the childen reading English aloud in the classroom?
Mary, Tom and John are the children reading English aloud in the classroom.

3. Whom did you talk about a moment ago?
I was talking about Napoleon Bonaparte a moment ago

4. Whom did your teacher shake hands with?
My teacher shook hands with the principal.

5. Whose dictionary is it?
It is Tim's dictionary.

6. Whose handwriting is the best in your class?
Lily's handwriting is the best in my class.

7. Which apple do you like better, the red one or the green one?
I like the red one better.

8. Which comes first,Christmas or New Year's Day?
Christmas comes first than New year's Day.

9. What do people do on Christmas Day?
People go carol singing on Christmas Day.

10.What is your favourate subject?
English is my favourite subject.
參考: myself
2007-01-25 12:42 am

2007-01-24 16:43:33 補充:
2007-01-25 12:40 am
1.She is Daisy.She likes dancing.
2.He is Tom.
3.I talked with Miss Wong about a moment ago.
4.My teacher shake hands with Miss Chan.
5.It is Stephanie's dictionary.
6.Joyce's handwriting is the best in our class.
7.I like the red one better.
8.Christmas comes first.
9.The people buy Christmas Present on Christmas Day.
10.My favourate subject is Maths.
參考: me

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