
2007-01-24 11:58 pm
Pathogens can obviously produce waterborne diseases in either human or animal hosts. Alteration of water's physical chemistry include acidity, conductivity, temperature, and eutrophication. Eutrophication is the fertilisation of surface water by nutrients that were previously scarce. Even many of the municipal water supplies in developed countries can present health risks.

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2007-01-25 12:00 am
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病原體能產生明顯水性疾病或動物宿主. 改建水的物理化學包括酸度、電導、溫度、富營養化. 地表水體富營養化是烹飪營養以前稀少. 甚至許多發達國家的城市供水能夠健康風險.
2007-01-25 12:01 am
病原體能顯而易見生產人或者動物主人的水傳播疾病。 water&-#39;的改變; s物理化學包括酸度,傳導性,溫度和eutrophication。 Eutrophication是透過以前不足的營養物的地面水的fertilisation。 即使在發達國家的大多數城市供水能提出健康危險。

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