
2007-01-24 11:30 pm
(at least two)thx:)

回答 (7)

2007-01-24 11:53 pm
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 大家會否想到Hong Kong people?不錯,總稱「香港人」,可以用Hong Kong people,或者the people of Hong Kong。可是,要指「一個香港人」,應該怎樣說呢?說a Hong Kong person?可以,但日常很少見,多用於比較正式的、要為「香港人」下定義的法律文件中。建議大家用一個字:Hongkonger。這可以寫成一個字,但也可寫成Hong Konger兩個字。不要以為這是胡亂造出來的寫法,至少美國Merriam-Webster辭典收錄了,《南華早報》的內文經常使用,外國各大小英文網站上也有它的蹤影,所以大家可以放心使用,沒有人會說那是錯的。看看例句:

 1. Did you meet any Hongkongers in New Orleans?(你在新奧爾良碰到香港人嗎?)

 最初創造Hongkonger或Hong Konger的人,也許留意到一些大城市如London(倫敦)和New York(紐約)的居民稱為Londoner和New Yorker,所以「有樣學樣」,在Hong Kong後加上表示「人」的-er尾。

 除了Hongkonger和Hong Konger外,原來還有個指「一個香港人」的字,就是Hongkongese(或Hong Kongese),這在美國和加拿大都有使用。之所以把-ese尾加在Hong Kong後面,是因為某些「鬼佬」認為香港人跟中國人和日本人差不多,所以就將Chinese和Japanese中的-ese尾照樣用於Hong Kong上。感覺上,Hongkongese不及Hongkonger和Hong Konger普遍。

2007-01-25 2:47 am
Hong Konger (though it's not very common. ppl usually simply say Hong Kong people)
It is in Ming Pao, and article about Chan Fong Fu Zhen...
參考: Ming Pao
2007-01-25 1:31 am
If you read from the newspaper like SCMP, we are now using the term Hongkonger. Bear in mind that it's one word instead of 'Hong Konger'.

If you don't want to use the term Hongkonger, I think you better describe ourselves as Chinese. Hong Kong is a part of China and it is the official term to describe ourselves.
2007-01-24 11:52 pm
Hong Konger
2007-01-24 11:47 pm
That's a quite interesting question. I've now been in Canada for 8 years and I haven't really heard a phase that refer to "hong kong ppl" from the english speaking native. I sometimes call HK ppl as "Hong Kong-ese", but usually just tell ppl that I'm from HK.

There's a phase FOB... which stands for "fresh off the boat". Ppl use it to describe asians that just went over that are not quite adapted to the local culture. I think there's a somewhat negative undertone with that phase so I haven't really heard any english native that refer ppl as FOB. However, in the "HKese" culture here, it seems the FOBs behave closer to HK and are more "in" and the Chinese population do use fob to describe those behave like HK ppl in Canada, possibly this is the same else where as well.

2007-01-24 15:49:56 補充:
and of course, HK is now part of China, so you can call urself a chinese as well. I guess HK ppl always want to differentiate ourselves from mainland ppl.... so this is not frequently used.
2007-01-24 11:34 pm
很有意思的,有西人叫我们做HONGKIE(香港人),也有人叫我们做HONG KONG PEOPLE.
2007-01-24 11:33 pm
we are chinese,

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