
2007-01-24 11:24 pm
為何G6PD的驗血結果在每間化驗所的準則都不一樣,有些說9.0以上屬正常,而border line 的指標更加不同,最慘連医生都冇exactly 的 border line 指標,所以我們做父母的非常困擾,上網又找不到正常指標,我想要一個正確而又專業的答案,謝謝

回答 (3)

2007-01-25 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
希望以下的網頁可以幫到你. http://health.popart.com.hk/qa/?jk=mypost&no=218

內面提到 :
G6PD缺乏者表面上並沒有特別的徵狀,唯一可靠的確定診斷方法是經血液檢驗去察看其濃度有多少,事實上大部份患者是經「新生兒常規臍血普查」發現的。如濃度在3.5度(U/Gm Hgb)或以下,便屬於「缺乏」者;當濃度被驗定為9度或以上,便屬「正常」;介乎3.6- 9度間,我們稱之為「邊緣正常」,而他們通常是隱性遺傳缺陷的攜帶者。
2007-01-25 1:12 am
the definition of normal/reference range is, when sample taken from, say 100, normal people (clinically healthy), a normal distribution curve will be resulted. with the upper and lower portion of data omitted, the remaining 95% will be set as reference range. In most assay, it may varies depend on the population, race, and methodology.

G6PD is an enzyme in red blood cell.. when there is a oxydation stress, this enzyme will help to neutralize the oxidazing agent. Deficiency of the enzyme will lead to haemolysis (cell lysis).

therefore, first, I will recommend you to see if your childs sample can be sent to QMH or PWH.. they will have a better reference for hk population. or just go to see a govt dr.
secondly, a borderline enzyme level means it is not a deficiency.. but only when you have a very large stress (for the enzyme), then there will be a problem.. Therefore, treat you child as a G6PD def. case, but there wont be a big problem even if he/she encounter a oxidation stress.
2007-01-25 12:47 am
其實,每種測試方法,每批設備(設計相同,原理相同,用既reagent相同既設備)都會有一個normal range既,呢個normal range係經過用相同方法/相同設備測試過好多好多個samples,再分析測試結果既值,用統計學既原理計出黎既.
通常部機出廠既時候,廠方會有一套normal range提供俾買家,同時,如果用廠家既報告紙(即係部機用黎打印結果出黎o個張紙),咁報告紙上面就會印左各個tests既normal range響度.
只要檢驗結果係落響normal range裡面,咁即係正常.就算結果唔響normal range裡面,都唔使咁快擔心,複檢多一次先囉,因為設備有時都會失準,出現誤差既(呢個叫做random error).
參考: 專業經驗

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