Warning Letter to maid

2007-01-24 8:05 pm
出warning letter
我想以下三點出封final warning letter比我個傭人,可唔可以幫我用英文寫?

3)曾經試過三次接放學或上學途中, 遺失我大女

回答 (4)

2007-01-24 9:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Miss xxxxx,

Due to your poor performance, we would like to state out some points for further discuss.

1, Your performance cannot meet our standard. you're either inefficiency or too lay back.
2, Always leave too early for picking up our elder daughter.
3, It has been 3 times that you have lost our elder daughter either on day way to school or on da way back home.

This will be the final written warning. We will have another evaluation after 3 weeks. After that, if we don't see any improvement from your hard work. We will just terninate your contract by giving 1 month notice include holidays.

Best Regards,
參考: moi
2007-01-25 5:00 pm

Name of Employee:


The intention of this notice is to inform you that your performance has not been satisfactory for the reasons indicated below and to provide you with an opportunity to correct this situation.

1. Unsatisfactory attitude to work:
~lack of commitment and motivation

2 Unsatisfactory works:
~Inability to follow instructions, and failure to produce a reasonable volume of work to a satisfactory standard. Eg: Always leave too early when picking children up from school.
~Careless Mistakes. Eg: On 3 occasions (trips to and from school), my older daughter went missing under your supervision.

You are expected to achieve and to continue to maintain an acceptable level of performance for the duration of employment. Failure to do so will lead to further disciplinary action and may include employment dismissal.

You may respond to this notice in writing and that response will be placed in your personnel file.

Yours faithfully

2007-01-29 07:33:37 補充:
Sorry...but have to say this letter contains too many grammra errors.
2007-01-25 12:10 am
出警告信給傭人? 為什麼? 你想若她沒攺善時用這借口炒她而省回給她的補償?
傭人不同在辦公室或工塲工作的人員, 她住在你家, 俗語有云: 人防夜防, 家賊難防, 若你對她一满意, 你便跟她說好了, 如她真的沒攺善, 便把她炒掉好了, 若你先給她警告信, 她便對你有所防範, 你有沒有看到一則早前本港的新聞報導?一個家庸放了一些私人的..........血在茶/水/湯內讓主人喝, 所以若她不聽話及你對她沒信心, 給她一個月工資及其他補償便叫她即走好了, 不要讓你的傭人有機會做出對你及家人的不利事情. 對嗎?
2007-01-24 10:13 pm
Dear Ms. Maria,

I am writing to inform you the performance you work for my family these days. Over the last few months, thank you for your help to my children and housework. With your help, I can do my own business any times.
I also know you carry out the duty I gave every time, but there are still a little thing you should know, for example, you could not put yourself into your work completely, and often too slow to finish every piece of work, as you know, every one lives in Hong Kong are fast than other countries to meet the need of every jobs. Be remembering that, the faster the better.
There is still another condition you might realize, you should work in appropriate schedule, you should finish every matter one by one, and the quality is more importance than the quantity. For example, every time you were too early to out for picking up my elder daughter, which you should stay home till the right time.
In addition, be careful to look after my elder daughter, because her safety relies only on you, but not anyone when you are picking up outside. It's of great importance to caution her safety. She is my second life.
Finally, I hope you would know this is the common work all maids do every day in Hong Kong, although they are happy every day, they take good care of children and work at the right time and right place. And this is my final words of what you should how the correct working manner is all about, if you would not follow them, you might be fired, which is I really don't want.

Yours Faithfully
My name
Your employer
參考: 朕

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