UA 飛行里數 (Mileage Plus)

2007-01-24 7:13 pm
我o既UA 飛行里數岩岩夠2萬分, 想換張去日本o既ticket, 有冇人換過? 難唔難book? 駛唔駛一年前 book 同 redeem 架? 因為我未試過用 mileage 換 ticket, 唔係咁識, thanks for your hep!!

回答 (2)

2007-01-24 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實唔一定要一年前 book 架!
如果你 log in 個 mileage plus account,你會發現宜家 book 2月6日出發,2月13日回程都重有位。
不過要注意嘅就係,如果係出發前6日內book飛,要畀USD75 (大約HKD585)手續費,如果係7-13日內就要畀USD50(即係HKD390),14日或以上就唔駛錢。
不過如果你諗住旺季去的話,就建議你早d book 嘞!
你 log in 左個 account 之後,選 「book award travel」,再選來回日子同 class 就可以 check 到有無位。

2007-01-24 18:34:19 補充:
頭先 check 過,三/四月大部份日子都無位,七月就唔知係未book得定係已經full 晒,總之你上網就可以 check 到架嘞!
2007-01-25 6:35 am
Time advance depends on the date you wanna fly. as you know, such non-revenue seats are very limited per flight and the number of people redeeming is high. therefore you cannot say 1 yr advance... just first come first reserved.

you can call the Mileage Plus center. They can get for your the date when seats available. But this costs a service charge (cannot remember the amount).

You can also book online. but this method takes time to sort out the dates available.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:34:53
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