
2007-01-24 10:38 am

回答 (9)

2007-01-24 11:13 am
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人的血是紅色的, 當你在生物書上看到血管有紅同藍, 並不是代表血有藍色, 只不過是用來容易分辨動脈血管(帶氧血)及靜脈血管(帶二氧化碳血),一般動脈血管內之帶氧血(因已作氣體交換)比靜脈血管內之缺氧血(因未作氣體交換)鮮紅, 故才採用此分類.應該所有哺乳類都是一樣的.

2007-01-26 01:34:36 補充:
唔該下面的仁兄俾心機讀書, 什麼左邊血是紅色右派是藍色, and 什麼是血是藍色的, 一派胡言, 笑死人. 千萬不要給你們凡老師知道, 實激死

2007-01-26 01:37:40 補充:
資料來源: 專業護士(持有效執照)
2007-01-30 12:19 pm
The version that i heard is those 血 in 靜脈血管 is blue when it stays in 靜脈vessel, once u cut yourself, or some how bleeding. The blood turns red as it appear in air. Kind of like chemical reaction. Anyway, i guess its not true lol.
2007-01-26 1:32 pm
血多數紅色, 但又有藍色

在有人類或有血紅素 (haemoglobin) 之動物, 血是紅色的. 血紅素在帶氧時 (Oxyhaemoglobin) 是鮮紅色的, 因為血紅素帶氧時Fe係+3 oxidation state.

在不少節肢動物及環節動物中, 牠們的血有血藍蛋白 (haemocyanin). 而血藍蛋白帶氧時 (oxyhaemocyanin) 是藍色的, 因為血藍蛋白帶氧時係Cu係+2 oxidation state.

血紅素是生物界中最常用來帶氧的, 其次是血藍蛋白

2007-01-26 05:34:18 補充:
"人體既左邊係有氧血~右邊則係缺氧血" 呢句好明顯係錯. 否則右邊所有細胞都會死晒. 試問邊個人細胞冇氧氣可以生存?
參考: 我自己係BSc. (Hons) in Biology
2007-01-25 2:52 am
含氧血是紅色, 缺氧血是藍色的,
一般稱為青根, 是缺氧血
參考: F.7 bio student
2007-01-24 11:21 pm

2007-01-30 17:05:46 補充:
參考: 中六生物
2007-01-24 4:57 pm
2007-01-24 2:03 pm
Bllod is red. It is red because it has got red blood cells in the blood, together with the white blood cells and special tissues flowing in plasma. The reason why red blood cells are red is because thay contain haemoglobin. Haemaglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen. If the haemaglobin takes up carbon monoxide instead of oxygen, the blood will look even redder.
2007-01-24 10:53 am
人是血色的, 因為 有 iron 2+ 呢個成分

但有d 海中生物, eg 八爪魚, 血是藍色的. 因為有copper 2+ ion.. 呢個係藍色的
2007-01-24 10:46 am
Huh? Let's see... ooch~! oh mine's RED~!
參考: me

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