About Xanga~

2007-01-24 9:38 am
How can I read the subscriptions in my friends' xanga?
Can't read anything now either I logged in or not....
P.S. I can read them long time ago....

回答 (2)

2007-01-24 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
or else they have block to let you read their entries.
you can try to go to subscription page and delete the id you have . hence, got o your friend's page and add them in to your subscription again.

hope the information i gave you could help u somehow.
2007-01-24 9:53 am
i think it's because you didnt subscribe them?
if you didnt sub them, go to their xanga and read!
it wont take you much time to load a web page!
or you have sub them already?

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