關於intel CPU..

2007-01-24 9:35 am
英代爾® 酷睿TM 二代雙核心 處理器 T7200 (處理器速度2.0GHz, 4MB L2 快取、667MHz FSB)

以上的(處理器速度), (快取), (FSB), 三者有何關聯??

回答 (2)

2007-01-24 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
先要明白 CPU 運作程序

CPU 先會從電腦記憶中存取有關資料, 然後進行計算工作, 所取得的資料會放到快取中, 而CPU存取資料速度大約可於 FSB 中反影

處理器速度 2.0GHz -> CPU 一秒可以計算 2,000,000,000 條運算
4MB L2 快取 -> CPU可以存入 2MB 資料供運算之用
667MHz FSB -> CPU 每粆可到電腦記憶體中存取 667MB 資料

多數 CPU 快取有 L1, L2, 而建入於 CPU 內, 故其運作速度比其他記憶體高, 但價錢會比較貴, SERVER 級 CPU 多會建立 L3

由於電腦只會通知 CPU 一些工作指令, 而 CPU 多數需要多於一次計算才可得到結果, 故多數 CPU 的速度會是 FSB 的數倍至十數倍, 故也有以下工式

FSB(外頻) X 倍頻 = CPU 速度

以本次例子 FSB 為 667MHz, 倍頻為 3倍, cpu速度為3GHz
2007-01-24 9:46 am
Clock Speed / 處理器速度
Clock speed is still an important feature contributing to performance. A faster clock speed can enable a processor to execute instructions more quickly. Processors with faster clock speed can benefit most applications – from enjoying games and rich media, to spreadsheets and every day software, to photo editing and more.

L2 Cache / 快取
L2 cache is an important component that impacts overall system performance.
L2 cache is a faster memory storage area where the processor places frequently-accessed data.
System Memory (RAM) is a larger storage area that holds more data but is slower for accessing data.
A PC with a largest L2 cache allows more data to be accessible from that faster storage area, increasing performance and responsiveness.
Processors with greater L2 cache can benefit most applications – from running rich media titles and games, to everyday productivity applications.

Front Side Bus / FSB
The front side bus is a key component contributing ot overall system performance.
A faster front side bus can increase performance and responsiveness by transferring data faster between the processor and system memory and graphics.
PCs with a faster front side bus can benefit most applications – from making games more responsive, to improving performance when working with digital media and more.
參考: intel.com / intel processor technology

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