
2007-01-24 7:48 am
Consider the sequence {sn} where

{ 1 if n = 1, 2,
sn = { 1 / s(n-1) + s(n-2) if n > 2

Determine the convergence of {sn}

免遭誤會,寫清楚些少 1 if n = 1, 2, sn = { 1 / s(n-1) } + s(n-2) if n > 2 本人仍是初哥,請大家指教,謝謝

回答 (1)

2007-01-24 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let convergence of {sn} be k
because for n>2, sn = 1 / s(n-1) + s(n-2)
k= 1/k +k, 1/k= 0, which is absurd.

To prove {sn} cannot be convergent to any number k is much simpler.
If it is really convergent, for any arbitary small number e>0,
there exist N for all n>N such that |sn - s(n-2)| < e

However, aware that sn - s(n-2) = 1/s(n-1)
that means for all n>N, s(n-1) > 1/e
Because we pick e so small that 1/e > k (the convergent mentioned above), so convergence is not possible.

2007-01-24 00:33:24 補充:
1) By induction, you can prove {sn} is positive sequence. That may help you to prove the sequence is not convergent to any number.2) I only want to give concept. Above step may be incomplete for homework purpose. For that purpose, you need to do it yourself.

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