買保簽點樣可以找到D broker ?

2007-01-24 6:45 am
Q1: Do u know what is the route can i contact brokers?

Q2: If i buy medical insurance through broker, is it lower price insurance fee when compare with u buy through that insurance company agent ? Usually have how many % discount?

Q3: what are the advantages and disadvantages for clients buy insurance through

回答 (8)

2007-01-25 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案


Q2. 3者的保費都是一樣。

當保險 Agent 只能賣單一保險公司之產品;而保險 Broker 則可售賣差不多市場上所有保險公司的產品。所以,作為 Agent,無論產品點好與點壞,同其他公司比較時,只可以「隱惡揚善」去同客人講自已公司的好野。唔 Hard-Sell 的話,就無飯開。Broker的確可以比較過之後先至簡比客人,節省客人自已去比較不同保險公司的時間、精神金錢。

去 Nokia 專門店詢問手提電話 VS 去電話零售商詢問買手提電話。前者只可以買自已公司的產品;後者可以比客人更多選擇,買乜都得。而且維修都是囉去佢到,佢幫你囉去原廠到整。這比喻為 Claim 保險的時候,佢都是幫你囉去原廠到整。

一般 Broker 公司知名度不大。假設 ABC Broker 可以買到 HK 大部份的保險公司產品。但是一般人聽過保險公司名,就是未聽過 Broker 的公司名。所以,比人覺得好似信不過咁。Even 同 Agent 買的產品都是一樣的。

另外,有人提到佣金的問題,這的確是有 d 保險 Broker 會選擇佣高的保險公司。但是,如果一個保險 Broker只賣佣金最高的保險公司產品的話,那就索性當佢是一個「保險 Agent」算了。

但實際上,做一個 Broker唔易的,因為要知道不同保險公司的產品,客人搵你,就是因為識野先搵佢。所以知識上的要求比 Agent高好多。例如要知道某一些保險公司的條款係好含糊的。例如我本人的發現,紅班狼蒼症不是間間保險公司的「危疾保」都包的。要涉及腎臟及中樞神經系統的紅班狼蒼類別先包。其他的一律不包、未必有得賠。癌症又會有幾隻唔包等等……

或者你可以去 Yahoo 的保險中心到睇相關的資料:

2007-01-31 02:22:02 補充:
參考資料:財富管理論壇(討論區) - http://financial.3forum.hk/
2007-02-08 4:58 am
2007-02-07 8:38 am
2007-01-27 8:06 am
To know more about insurance brokers, I suggest you to go through the websites of the two regulatory bodies of authorized insurance bokers in Hong Kong. They are:

1. Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA)


2. The Confederation of Insurance Brokers (CIB)


My short answers to your questions are:
1. You can find their names at the registers of PIBA and CIB (with exception of those registered with OCI.
2. Appointing brokers are not always about discounts in premium. More importantly, it is the services they render.
3. Choosing brokers or not is not a question of pros and cons. Your choice is easy to make when you understand who they are.
a) Brokers are your agent. They act for you and then seek quotations from various insurance companies. They have the duty to advise you. They receive brokerage from insurers.
b) Agents are acting for insurance companies.An agent/ agency can only represent up to four insurance companies. They receive commission from insurers.

Good luck.
2007-01-25 8:22 pm
Although I'm a financial plannar from AIA, I know some very good brokers which I always co-operate with. I can refer them to you. However, If you only need to have a financial plan first, and consider what to do next, I can give you some advise too.
In fact, we financial plannars also think of customers' side, because we are professional.

May you have any enquiries, or need referrals, please feel free to email me. I'm Syous.
email: [email protected]

2007-01-25 12:25:44 補充:
Remember, there's no discount for insured, but the commission rate may be higher for the brokers but lower for the agents for the same insurance product.
2007-01-24 6:50 pm
Q1:在yahoo search 輸入「保險顧問」,就會有很多你唔識的保險公司名出現,呢d就係insurance brokers.


保險經紀(insurance broker)在法律上是專業(profession),即與律師、會計師、醫生等專業有類似的規管。在以下各方面都有指定要求,

資 格 及 經 驗
股 本 及 淨 資 產
專 業 彌 償 保 險
備 存 獨 立 客 戶 帳 目
備 存 妥 善 的 簿 冊 及 帳 目

這是與保險代理人(insurance agent)最大的分別。而其他對broker的規管,詳列於以下網頁。

至於要成為保險代理人(insurance agent),只要付出數百元考試費,及格後,有保險公司替他登記便成。詳列於以下網頁。


參考: 自己透過broker買保險的
2007-01-24 3:28 pm
A3 : the advantages & disadvantages are same to use your life insurance company. the broker will use your request to compare the exisiting plane for your decision.
Would you like to have more information of brokers, you can email to me?
[email protected]
參考: I use the service from broker
2007-01-24 7:17 am
1.you can contact many local insurance broker through internet

2.actually, there is no discount to buy the insurance through broker but he/she can provide different policy from different cpmpany.

3. adv:
can receive different policy
broker may not provide the fittest policy to you as the commission of different policy is not the same. some broker will choose the policy with high commission.
if you want to claim the policy , not a specify agent will serve you. you just apply the claim through C.S. it waste the time very much

so if you want to buy personal insurance .it would be better to buy it through insurance agent.
if you have any problem you can contact me

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