
2007-01-24 5:51 am
我多數將零用錢儲起,等待有需要的時候用.我也不是有太多pocket money的,不過,我仍將部份的儲起,另外多餘的,就作零用錢.你呢?你是否有儲蓄的習慣?

回答 (2)

2007-01-24 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
How are you? You need to settle in the weather in Canada~~ Take good care of yourself, otherwise you will get a cold!! It is winter in Hong Kong at the moment, the weather is a bit cold, but it is not as bad as the previous years~~!!

I also participate in extra cirricular activities in school, for example, gymnastics, Japanese and Chinese dance. I have already learnt gymnastics and Japanese for 3 years, and Chinese dance for 4 years.

Most of the time, I would save my pocket money to wait for the time when I really need it. I don't have much pocket money, but I still save some of it, and the others would be used as pocket money. What about you? Do you have a habit of saving??

我自己譯的,希望幫到你啦~~!! ^^

2007-01-23 22:06:40 補充:
我只係想同樓上個位人兄講,個learn 字既過去式係learnt,無learned 字的。之前o係英國讀書都未聽過....
參考: ME~~
2007-01-24 5:58 am
How are you? Please take care when you are in Canada because the weather is very cold there. It's winter in Hong Kong but it is not as cold as before.
I participate in some school activities, such as: acrobatics, Japanese and Chinese dance. I have been learning acrobatics and Japanese for three years. I have learned Chinese dance for almost four years.
I usually save some of my pocket money for future use. I don't have a lot of pocket money though. I spend some of it and keep the rest in the bank. What about you? Do you have the saving habit?

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