他為人好極有限 英文怎說

2007-01-24 5:06 am
in english????????

回答 (8)

2007-01-24 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案

好極有限 - 是中文的妙句, 看來英語沒那麼傳神, 你只可說:
He is not as goods as described.
He is not a nice guy as thought.
He is no angel.
參考: SELF
2007-01-28 8:14 am
his personality is overemphasized
2007-01-26 5:38 pm
He is not as good/kind as what you think he is.

His personality is not like what you think it is.
2007-01-24 3:39 pm
Sorry, to correct the above sentence-

He could not be worse.

Word like worse has a negative sense and should not be used with another negative. In this case, this creates a double negative.

It should be:

He could not be better
2007-01-24 8:09 am
唔知arm 唔arm
He could not be worse
2007-01-24 6:40 am
sorry, 我覺得 He behaves very very limited 好似怪怪o地....唔多似英文!
老實講, 好極有限真系好難變英文, 好似 Give me five 好難變中文一樣, 因為太 local la!

我認為 He is no angel, believe me. 好D
因為我覺得 他為人好極有限 = 他為人唔好, 不同系前者有想說服人o既含義,

He is no angel, believe me. ( = He does not behave well) 來自參考資料
參考: Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
2007-01-24 6:39 am
May be:
He is not too good.
2007-01-24 5:32 am
   He behaves very very limited

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