Account 問題

2007-01-24 2:48 am
Record the above transactions in a petty cash book with analysis columns for Traveling Expenses(GL12),Postage(GL31),Cleaning(GL6),Stationery(GL19)and Ledger Account.The Petty Cash Book should be balanced and the analysis columns totaled.You are required to show the balance carried down to 1 NOV2005 and the restoration of the imprest amount.

GL12果d野係咩黎駛唔駛寫埋係travelling expenses側邊??
咩係analysis columns ??

回答 (1)

2007-01-24 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
GL 12 係代表 Traveling Expenses 係 General Ledger入面既第十二頁
GL = General Ledger ; 數目字 = reference no.

而依啲代號係要寫係petty cash book喥,但位置就放係每一欄既 total數下面

另:analysis columns 係代表 petty cash 入面有邊幾欄
如題:analysis columns 就有 Traveling Expenses、Postage、Cleaning、Stationery及Ledger Account

ps: analysis columns只會出現在petty cash book入面,而每次題目要求不同,咁analysis columns就會不同。(但不怕題目係一定會提供埋有咩columns,所以你照抄回係petty cash book入面就可以)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 20:38:52
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