
2007-01-24 1:49 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-24 1:54 am
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姓名 (name): 汪東城
綽號 (nickname): JIRO
生日 (birth date): 70/8/24
年齡 (age):24
星座 (horoscope): 處女座 Virgo
血型 (blood type): O
身高 (height): 180公分 cm
體重 (weight): 67公斤 KG
興趣 人生以服務為目的,服務眾人
專長 美工、造型
備註 外表頗酷,但自認內心既狂野熱情又搞笑
三圍 37/29/37 鞋子7.5號
手長 24.5吋 腳長45吋
領圍 肩寬 20吋

演出經歷 :

MTV contributions
張惠妹 " 記得 "MTV ( 帶頭巾搬貨的那個 )
梁靜如 " 分手快樂 " 合唱版

Commercial Contributions
多喝水 cf" 躺在浴缸篇 "
來一客泡麵 " 甩尾篇 "
台新銀行 u be 卡 " 日本泡湯篇 "
MOTOROLA 好禮大方送 "taxi 篇 "
立頓奶茶 " 破了比較好篇 "
新光人壽 " 美麗人生篇 "
愛之味鮮採蕃茄汁 " 保時捷篇 "

" 木野直人 & 村明秀 " 服裝代言人 ... 已經當了三季喔 !
ps 在很多百貨公司都可以看得到 , 譬如 :sogo, 京華城 , 依蝶 , 西門誠品等 ...

戲劇 (series he has contributed in)
偶像劇 " 聽笨金魚唱歌 "
" 惡作劇之吻 "( 飾演阿金 )

本名 (real name) :吳庚霖 Wu Keng Lin
藝名 (stage name) :炎亞綸 Arron
匿稱 (nickname) :阿布 (ah bu)
生日 (birth date) : 1985/11/20
星座 (horoscope) :天蠍座 Scorpio
血型 (blood type) : O
身高 (height) : 175 公分 CM
體重 (weight) : 60 公斤 KG
學歷 (Education): 文化大學新聞系 Chinese Cultural University studying Journalism
語言 (languages) :國語 Chinese 、英語 English
嗜好 (hobbies) :籃球 basketball 、跳舞 dancing 、唱歌 singing 、交朋友 making new friends 、愛搞怪
最喜歡的團體 (favorite band) :信樂團 Shin
最喜歡的男演員 (favorite actor) :劉德華 Andy Lau
最喜歡的女演員 (favorite actress) :林依晨 Ariel Lin
最喜歡的男歌手 (favorite male singer) :哈林 Harlem Yu 、林俊傑 JJ Lin
最喜歡的女歌手 (favorite female singer) :林凡 Freya Lin 、梁靜茹 Fish Leung

演藝經歷 (Experiences):

戲劇 (series he has contributed)
2005 惡作劇之吻 It started with a Kiss
2005 安室愛美惠 An Shi Ai Mei Hui
2005 終極一班 KO One
比賽 Competitions
2004 新光三越第二屆陽光男孩選拔台北區 ( 初賽 )

Chun (WuZun)

本名 (real name) : 吳吉尊 Goh Kiat Chun
藝名 (stage name) : 吳 尊 (Wu Zun)Chun
匿稱 (nickname) : Chun
生日 (birth date) : 1979/10/10
星座 (horoscope) : 天秤 座 Libra
生肖 ( Chinese Zodiac) : 羊 Goat
血型 (blood type) : O
身高 (height) : 182 公分 CM
體重 (weight) : 73 公斤 KG
學歷 (Education):RMIT 大 學 ( 澳 洲 ) 學士在工商管理過程中的生意,畢業生 用 Rmit University (Australia) Bachelor of Business Administration, graduating with distinction
語言 (languages) :國語 Chinese 、英語 English
嗜好 (hobbies) : 打籃球 basketball ,健身 fitness ,看書 reading ,聽音樂 listening to music, 看電影 watch movies, 吃 eating, 煮飯 cooking, 旅 行 traveling
喜歡的食 物 (favorite food): 我很愛吃 , 除了油膩的食物我甚麼都 吃 “I love eating therefore I eat anything except oily and fatty stuff”
喜歡的飲 料 (favorite drink): 無酒精的雞尾酒飲 料 Mocktail
喜歡的音 樂 (favorite music): 看心 情 “depends on my mood”
喜歡的地方 (favorite place) : 紐約 New York
喜歡的電影 (Favorite Movie) : 英雄本 色 Braveheart
最喜歡的味道 (Favorite Smell) : 聞到美味的食 物 Delicious food
最想去的城 市 (Place most wanted to go): 紐約 New York
最喜歡的季節 (Favorite season) : 秋 Spring
喜歡的卡通人物 (Favorite cartoon character) : 超 人 Superman
最喜歡的花 / 花語 (Favorite flower) :百 合 Lilies
幾歲初戀 (First love) : 16 歲 16 years old
喜歡異性類型 () : 對我而言,最重要的?感覺 “To me, most important is the feelings”
最討厭的事 情 (The worst thing that happened): 失去我身邊最重要的 人 :Losing the person closest to me
最偉大的願 望 (Greatest desire): 在生命裡做個好與事業有成的 人 Be a nice a successful person in life
做過最難忘的事情 (Most unforgettable moment) : 在照顧去世前的媽 媽 “Taking care of my mum before she passed away.
做過最後悔的事 情 (Most regret): 在媽媽去世前沒花足夠的時間在她的身邊 “Not spending enough time with my mum before she passed away”
做過最有勇氣的事情: 在台灣繼續追求我在演藝圈的事 業 “Persue my showbiz career in Taiwan”


本名 (real name) : 辰亦儒 Calvin
藝名 (stage name) : 辰亦儒 Calvin
生日 (birth date) : 1980/11/10
星座 (horoscope) :天蠍座 Scorpio
血型 (blood type) : O
身高 (height) : 186 公分 CM
體重 (weight) : 68 公斤 KG
學歷 (Education): 溫哥華維多利亞大學政治碩士
國小時轉過三間學校 分別是五穀 ˋ 西門和明德
國中畢業於明德國中 高中畢業於建國中學
  不到五個月的時間就取得 SFU 碩士學位

語言 (languages) :國語 Chinese 、英語 English
國中時曾經戴假髮參加校園美少女選拔 進入前十名
2007-01-25 12:59 am
Fahrenheit (飛輪海)

Fahrenheit (Chinese: 飛輪海; pinyin: Fēilúnhǎi) is a Taiwanese boy band that has recently achieved success in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, as well as the rest of Southeast Asia. This group consists of four members: Arron Yan, Wu Zun, Calvin Chen, and Jiro Wang. They are signed under the record label, HIM. Fahrenheit is frequently referred to as the male version of their seniors, S.H.E, and the second version of F4.

They released their self-titled debut album, Fahrenheit, on September 15, 2006.

[edit] Members

[edit] Yan Ya Lun
Stage Name: 炎亞綸 / Yan Ya Lun
Real Name: 吳庚霖 / Wu Geng Lin
Nick Name: 阿布 / Ah Bu
English Name: Aaron Yan
Date of Birth: November 20, 1986 (age 20)
Place of Birth: Taiwan
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Family: Parents, younger sister
Spoken Languages: Mandarin, English
Other Languages: Taiwanese, Japanese, Cantonese
Education: Chinese Cultural University: majoring in journalism (Currently attending)
Musical Talent: Piano, flute

[edit] Wu Zun
Stage Name: 吳尊 / Wu Zun
Real Name: 吳吉尊 / Goh Kiat Chun / Wu Ji Zun
Preferred Name: Wu Chun
Date of Birth: October 10, 1980 (age 26)
Place of Birth: Brunei
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Family: Parents, older brother, older sister
Spoken Languages: Hokkien, Taiwanese, English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese
Education: RMIT University: graduated bachelor with distinction, majored in business
Musical Talent: Drums

[edit] Chen Yi Ru
Stage Name: 辰亦儒 / Chen Yi Ru
Real Name: 陳奕儒 / Chen Yi Ru
English Name: Calvin Chen
Date of Birth: November 10, 1980 (age 26)
Place of Birth: Taiwan
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Family: Parents, older sister
Spoken Languages: Mandarin, English
Other languages: Taiwanese, Cantonese
Education: Simon Fraser University: graduated bachelor within three years. University of Victoria: achieved master degree within 5 months, majored in economics. National Chengchi University: currently attending the Institute of Finance.
Musical Talent: Piano

[edit] Wang Dong Cheng
Stage Name: 汪東城 / Wang Dong Cheng
Real Name: 汪東成 / Wang Dong Cheng
Nick Name: 大東 / Da Dong
English Name: Jiro Wang
Date of Birth: August 24, 1981 (age 25)
Place of Birth: Taiwan
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Family: Mother
Spoken Languages: Mandarin, Taiwanese
Other Languages: English, Cantonese
Education: Art college
Music Talent: Guitar

[edit] Discography

[[edit] Television Dramas

[edit] 2004
I Love My Wife (安室愛美惠) [Performance by: Arron Yan (cameo)]
The Pawnshop No. 8 (第八號當舖) [Performance by: Jiro Wang]

[edit] 2005
It Started With a Kiss (惡作劇之吻) [Performance by Jiro Wang, Arron Yan (minor role), Wu Zun (cameo), Calvin Chen (cameo)]
KO One (終極一班) [Performance by Jiro Wang, Calvin Chen, Arron Yan, Wu Zun (minor role)]

[edit] 2006
Tokyo Juliet (東方茱麗葉) [Performance by Wu Zun]
Hana Kimi (花樣少年少女) [Performance by Wu Zun, Jiro Wang]

[edit] 2007
KO One Family (終極一家) [Performance by Jiro Wang, Calvin Chen, Arron Yan, Wu Zun (minor role)]
It Started With a Kiss 2 (惡作劇之吻 2) [Performance by Jiro Wang]

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