婚紗攝影 - 夢羅麗紗或法國那一間比較好?又價錢便宜?

2007-01-23 7:48 pm

回答 (3)

2007-01-23 8:10 pm
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夢羅麗紗好過法國, 不過好的當然貴啦,衫靚d,景好d,....我覺得影呢兩間都好傳統的...有d好大自然feel架...你可以去下洗衣街or尖沙咀唔記得咩街名(美麗華酒店同中心中間條街)...

其實間間都係甘上下, 睇下你鍾意咩類型啦, 我就影過4間, 4間都係不斷sale你...你千期唔好聽佢地講話加效果會靚d,加咩,都加錢架...可能我做呢行啦...好多朋友都比人氹, 終於2萬先落樓...唔好加任何野, 係一個套餐4千就4千,唔好比機會佢加野,加加下自然唔止...

你可以去下婚沙展覽呀, 有好多優惠同選擇, 一定有間岩你~~
參考: 自己
2007-01-24 5:12 pm
夢羅麗紗 and 法國 are the same company group, but with different brand name. Although the price may be cheaper than other firms, both of them are very pushy and aggressive. In selecting the photos, they will push you to buy more photos, otherwise, the salesgirl will be 'black face'.

In selecting the firm, make sure to compare the free photos/painting included in the package and ask the price for additional photos. Some firm may charge low price for their standard package but expensive for additional photos. You may end up with way above your budget.
2007-01-23 8:07 pm
法國D景靚D, 但D SALES好狼, 揀完相即開到好高價, 等你還價, 你要同佢地鬥耐性, 少D都唔得

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