電腦高手請幫幫手!! -- dumping of physical memory

2007-01-23 5:40 pm
有幾次入dvd碟時出現全藍畫面話“complete dump of physical memory”,跟住boot機入返Window佢話「已從嚴重的失誤 (?)修復」,但現在我run 一個programme 時佢話我的physical memory係0,所以failed去完成個programme run 緊o既o野……點算呀?點樣有番physical memory呀?
P.S. 小妹部腦無啟動「系統還原」功能;廠機非砌機,佢又無俾番Windows碟我……所以唔好答我洗機 =P

回答 (1)

2007-01-23 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They should have a function key to recover the Windows. Read the menu or ring to the manufacturer ask them which key is the recover key. Owing to the preload of Windows, so they should have a back up in your computer. If the manufacturer dismissed in the world, give some more details to find out any body used your model, it may help you.

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