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Do you mind if I use English to answer it (since I type horribly slow in Chinese, otherwise i would)?
For your first question about is it interrupt the freedom of speech (in the first paragraph), I would definitely say yes. Unless the show promote negative message (ie hatred, pornographics, violence, obscene, horror, nudity, etc), there should not have a reason or for Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority (HKBA) to complain or even critized publicly about the "bias-ness" over certain aspect on the vedio.
For the second question is the most crucial question of the whole event: the purpose for HKBA to say that and is that opinion is the standing point of HKBA??? Apparently I only saw one complaint in the internet (
http://www.inmediahk.net/public/article?item_id=133570&group_id=107) and we didn't know too much about it anymore. I don't want to be biased but clearly the organzition who complain about that episode are well, not netural. Other then that, since the event is lack of (or not enough of) transparencies, it is very dificult for us to make are rightful or at least accurate judgement right now.
^ And the even bigger picture is as the public who watch the media, don't we have a bigger involvment of what we want to see on TV? Decide what we want to learn more about and how can us express equally (the keyword is equally here) as a resident of of HKSAR?!?!?!
About Hong Kong being "multi-wutever" society: well, even places like Canada or United States, and many place around the world, multi-everything is always a long long way to go... Hong Kong... its only a baby and already have a lot of problem right at the beginning. Ironic?? Absolutely all the time! :S
At last you ask about my opinion..... My point is that I dont really care what people hate about one thin personally, but if Hong Kong want to torelate/accept many diffrent values and those values can get along peacefully, this is abdolutely the wrong hit. Things like homosexuality and such are desperately needing a public attention on a neutral angle.