
2007-01-23 10:53 am
我想問MADISON ACADEMY呢間中學好唔好???

回答 (4)

2007-01-23 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I live in Toronto and work at the Toronto District School Board, may be I can assist you in finding a high school in Toronto.
Since your question is not clear enough, so I don't know whether you want a `public school' or a `private school'; and what kind of program you are looking for. I see that someone had suggested `Upper Canada College' to you, this is a private and an all-male secondary school, are you in this category?

Madison Academy, is a private school, located in Scarborough. (No comment)

For the third question, do you mean how many schools offer Gr. 12? If this is the question, the answer is all high schools offer Gr. 12, if a high school doesn't offer Gr. 12, you should check it out more carefully. If you are loking for a private school, make sure you will earn `credits' when you completed the course.

For the second question, which school in Scarborough is better? It's hard to compare when I am uncertain on your issue. SORRY!

Hope this help, good luck.
2007-04-14 12:29 am
madison academy執o左la wor~~
2007-02-22 2:36 am
Madison Academy學校已於2月21日關門。
中新社多倫多二月二十日電 多倫多一間以國際留學生為主要對象的私立學校今天突然宣佈倒閉,該校學生多數來自中國,部分已申請大學的學生為此憂心忡忡,不知能否在年內順利昇學。
  關閉的學校是麥迪遜學院(Madison Academy),已有十三年的歷史,校址位於距大多地區士嘉堡購物中心附近。今天上午,學生按時前來上學,卻被告知學校已經關閉。
2007-01-29 8:07 am
Hi, I am now in this school,and i can tell u this school really bad, the teacher always absence and will not tell the student,so when u get to school there would be no one teaching.Also they will force student to join some activities,for example
like camping , it should be an optional activities, but the teacher will say if student don't go they will take marks off.In addition this school is getting less and less student,and the price are getting expensive.First year, i pay for $700 per class,but now it is about $1200 per class. With this price u can actually go to a well organize private school( cause madison only have 5 teachers in total,including the vice principle),but other school maybe have more techers and subject to choose.

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