
2007-01-23 9:46 am
我想問宜家CRE如果合格個grade係終生的~~但是我英文只有level one ~~~那麼可否再重考???~~但是我本身是合格的~~thx~~

回答 (3)

2007-01-23 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以. 我寫了封電郵到公務員事務局的公務員考試組查詢, 他們的回覆如下 (紅色那段是你想要的答案):
Thank you for your email dated 23.1.2007 and your interest in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE).

You may apply to take the paper(s) that you have obtained 'Level 1' in the next or future CREs. The highest valid result that you have attained in each paper will be considered when you apply for civil service post(s).

The schedule for the next CRE is not available at this moment. Updated information pertaining to the CRE is posted on the Civil Service Bureau homepage (www.csb.gov.hk). You may visit the homepage regularly for an update of the next CRE.

Civil Service Examinations Unit
Civil Service Bureau
2012-01-28 8:38 am

恩賢教育中心 - 公務員綜合招聘考試(CRE) - 研習班

基督教勵行會 - 公務員綜合招聘考試(CRE) - 研習班
2007-01-23 3:17 pm
政府下次再舉辦CRE時只再報考不合格的試卷, 可以考到合格為止, 無限制報考次數. 下次考試留意公務員事務局網頁公佈 (http://www.csb.gov. hk/tc_chi/recruit/7. html), 通常每年年尾舉行一次, 政府會早個幾月公佈和接受申請.

不過如果你A-Level中文(CL&C)同英文(UE)如果有D或以上, 已可獲政府認可為CRE的中英文合格. D可獲認可為CRE的一級(Level 1)成績, C或以上可獲認可為CRE的二級(Level 2)成績. (詳情見網頁 http://www.csb.gov.h k/tc_chi/recruit/cre /964.html.). 如果是這樣, 除非你A-Level只有D而你想取個CRE的二級成績, 否則你其實不用再考CRE的中英文卷.

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