
2007-01-23 8:29 am
五環的英文 (urgent) thx

回答 (3)

2007-01-23 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
The term "Olympic Rings" can represent for the meaning you want.

The Olympic movement uses many symbols, most of them representing Coubertin's ideas and ideals. The best known symbol is probably that of the Olympic Rings. These five intertwined rings represent the unity of five continents (the Americas are considered one continent). They appear in five colors on a white field on the Olympic Flag. These colors, white (for the field), red, blue, green, yellow, and black were chosen such that each nation had at least one of these colors in its national flag. The flag was adopted in 1914, but the first Games at which it was flown were Antwerp, 1920. It is hoisted at each celebration of the Games.
2007-01-23 7:15 pm
"Olympic rings
2007-01-23 8:35 am
the Olympic Games title of honor

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