
2007-01-23 8:01 am
如果不會令你產生不安的話, 我會繼續這樣做
I will keep doing this if there hasn't any misgivings caused <-有錯有指正!

if there + single or plural?
如果一定要用caused, 使唔使加been?


回答 (3)

2007-01-23 8:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
if there + singular / plural 都得。

I will keep doing it (this 都可以,但不太礼貌) if it is fine by you. (比较 formal)


... ... if it does not cause any problem(s). (加不加 s 都对 )
... ... if there [is / are] no [trouble / troubles] to you.

I will continue to do so if it is fine by you.

2007-01-25 00:04:52 補充:
如果一定要用caused, 使唔使加been?been 是 过去式, 可以考虑用 being,即是:I will keep doing this if there [isn't / aren't] any [misgiving / misgivings] being caused.
2007-01-23 4:02 pm
如果不會令你產生不安的話, 我會繼續這樣做
My opinions:

I'll keep doing it, if there's no misgiving / uneasiness caused.


I'll keep doing it, if it doesn't bother / concern you- (this is less formal, and we usually use it in speech)

1. There + can be singular and plural, but we definitely can not use there + has/have/hasn't/haven't. Should be: There is/was/are/were etc

2. 如果一定要用"caused", 唔使加been
2007-01-23 8:06 am
I will keep doing this if it doesn't cause any misgivings

I will keep doing this if no misgivings have been caused

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