I am a mature woman, who now has a "boyfriend".?

2007-01-23 12:31 am
He is a very nice man. Pays for dinner and movies ect. The problem is the sex. He is not passionate. Just how important should sex be at this age? I have been alone a long time. Is companionship more important? I would like fireworks and all we have is a nice glow.

回答 (26)

2007-01-23 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can have sex up until whatever age you are comfortable providing good health. If you're not familiar with the changes that men go through as they get older (and/or changes for women as well), you may need to read up on it. That way if you two decide to pursue things to the next level, you will be prepared and sensitive to the (physical) norms for your ages. Generally speaking, as people age their libidos can diminish which can have physical and psychological effects. Also it should be noted that some older people, particularly women can feel more liberated as they become more comfortable and familiar with their bodies, don't have to worry about getting pregnant and develop some of the poise and confidence that comes along with gaining more life experience. Companionship, preferably friendship is going to provide a solid foundation on which to build anything further. Yes, physical intimacy is important, but as is usually the case, proceed slowly so you will be in the best position to determine whether or not this is the direction your relationship should go. When and if the two of you are ready, employ tenderness and openness and gentle on the expectations. Ultimately, if you enjoy your time together that is what matters most.
2007-01-23 12:34 am
Grow up. That sh!t only happens in the movies. Be thankful that he's nice and pays for the movies. Would you rather have a "bad boy" who treats you like crap but rocks in the bedroom?
2007-01-23 12:36 am
im 49 in a month..im tired of the baggage, control issues and the complaining of age and related infirmateis....it literally isnt worth the trouble and i get little out of it. im not gay, a prude or aesexual, im just tired of being led around to someone elses desires so im telling you...if its important to you...wonderful..but its not for everyone.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
I think that you can have the best of both worlds. Do you two discuss your sex life? Maybe this is something you can work on together. Couples should be able to work together to make each other happy on every level.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
Sex should form part of the relationship - it may be that he is still coming to terms with the whole thing of being together with someone again. The companionship is not be to under-estimated as any age. Enjoy it!
2007-01-23 12:43 am
Sex is important to you. You should find a partner who you are sexually compatible with. If it wasn't important, you wouldn't be asking and you wouldn't feel unsatisfied. Not all men your age are that boring. Don't let your age dictate what is important to you. Yes companionship is important. But I don't think you should have to choose one or the other. Don't sell yourself short.
2007-01-23 12:38 am
Think you should ask what would you be saying to him if the question was the other way round? Would you be saying that she should DO IT even if all she wants is just company?
2007-01-23 12:37 am
appreciate the glow,,the coals could go out
2007-01-23 12:36 am
According to the experts, sex can be great forever. Maybe he just doesn't know what you like. Have you tried talking to him? Having a heart to heart conversation about it might help. I don't know what else to tell you. Sometimes men slow down in that department because of low testosterone. Maybe he should have his checked out by his doctor. Good Luck!
2007-01-23 12:36 am
I would take the nice glow and add a little fuel to it. He may not want to offend you or take a chance at suggesting something you may not be into. Take the lead by opening up and communicating to him what you enjoy, etc. It may set off a round of fireworks you never expected!
2007-01-23 12:36 am
2007-01-23 12:36 am
Ask yourself if you can do anything to make it more passionate. It is a two way street after all. It is only as important as you make it. Nice glows last longer than fireworks anyway.
2007-01-23 12:36 am
I would say that sex is no more and no less than 100% as important as you think it is. Each person has different needs, perhaps one of yours is a passionate love life. There is no simple answer, but if you aren't happy in the relationship, maybe you should reconsider.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
help him be more . i dont know it could get better you know how to spice it up use those skills hahahah have fun kids
2007-01-23 12:35 am
How old is he? Sex is always important to a man unles he can't get it up anymore and then there ae remedies for that too!
2007-01-23 12:43 am
My dad told me that the word boyfriend is a ridiculous term, because he is neither a boy, nor a friend, and over the years I've realized he is right. That said, if the sex is important to you in a relationship then it is very important, because it's important to YOU and that's all that matters. If you weren't into it as well, there would be no problem would there?
At this age, you have no other options but to ask him to go to the doctor and get a prescription for Viagra.
He's not going to change if you buy sexy underwear, color your hair, pamper him, lose 400 pounds, it doesn't matter. If he has no desire, it's prob cause he has poor health(like high blood pressure or high cholesterol), and therefore has erectile dysfunction, but like all men, he is too cool to admit it.
If he won't, and things won't change, you can have the same pleasures with a girlfriend, except you won't have to smell him at night, put up with his noises, mess, and demands, or put anyone else in front of what you want.
Lots of older guys are still horndogs, who may have actually learned to treat a woman with respect.
Who knows? Anything is possible.
2007-01-23 12:39 am
let me seee.. i am 42 and my bf is 30... your pays for movies and dinner .. we chip in .. and guess what sex and so hot as he is a pe and sometimes has ed...oh and my don't give me bd present or xmas.. or Easter.. he does do valentine day though.. maybe that nice glow is contentment .. sometime we miss the meaning of passion and think it should be more than it is..oh and right now at 730pm bf is passed out .. since 530.. we were suppose to go over to his moms for dinner .. his 11 yr old daughter called to see if we were coming .. his mom has custody..and i had to tell her no not to nite sweet heart
2007-01-23 12:38 am
Sex is oh so important at any age. Got to have it and it needs to be good. Maybe you should date several men and see who floats your boat the most. Good luck
2007-01-23 12:37 am
companionship is more important than anything...don't do anything you're not comfortable with...and sex should never be done any time before a gold ring is on your finger.
2007-01-23 12:37 am
Damn it Grandma! I was only kidding when I said I wanted another uncle.
2007-01-23 12:36 am
If you are looking for fireworks, either teach him what turns you on or move on.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
Go outside in an indian costume and do an indian fireworks/sex dance. It works for me every time.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
I am only 28 and it's like pulling teeth to get my man to be passionate.

It's not anything to be embarrased about. Humans like sex and that's that. He may just be being "gentlemanly." Take initiative if you are comfortable with that.
2007-01-23 12:34 am
how old is he?
2007-01-23 12:35 am
Sex is majorly important at your age, it's one of the only reasons that 2 cranky old people can stand living together. With all the drugs out there on the market you should be able to find a passionate man who is "like tree" when you need him to be.
2007-01-23 12:35 am
It isn't your age or his age. It's that you aren't, really, that 'into' him - you can't whip passion out of thin air no matter HOW nice someone is.

Sometimes, a 'nice glow' has to be enough....

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