I am 27 years old with no college education,my husband tells me I am too late?

2007-01-23 12:15 am
to do anything for my future,should I believe him?

PS: I had to break drop out of college coz of my baby

I would like to go back to college someday,and study,but he says at my age i will never find work,since everyone wants to hire someone with work experience


He is 55 and i am afraid he is not getting any younger

回答 (50)

2007-01-23 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go back to college - it is not too late. You will be glad you did. You will find job.
2007-01-23 12:18 am
your husband is full of crap
2007-01-23 12:20 am
You are NEVER to late to go back to school and better yourself and your future. I went back and so can you!

Your husband sounds like he wants to control your life, don't let him make all the decisions for you.
2007-01-23 12:20 am
your life does not end at 27 yrs. old..... you can do what ever u want to do...never let anyone talk you out of your future.........
2007-01-23 12:18 am
no your never too late.. i got a friend who is 47 she went to prison for killing her hubby who was having a affair and spent 17yrs there she got out 8 yrs ago and is going to college
2007-01-23 1:17 am
It's never to late to learn.There's an old saying"If you don't learn something new everyday you've wasted that day".SO GO LEARN SOMETHING NEW.To be honest he's probably afraid that you'll meet some young stud in class & want out.
2007-01-23 12:26 am
It's never too late. It might be more difficult, yes - but not "too late". Yes, everyone wants to hire someone with "work experience", it doesn't matter how old you are; it holds trule for when you're looking for a job at 18 as well as at 38. You always have to "break into" the job market once you finish school, there's no way around it no matter what age you are. When I graduated, I did an 8-month internship which helped me tremendously to get a taste of what it was like to be working in the field. I got a full-time job shortly after that, and have been with the same company for 6 years now, taking a 1-year break to travel, freelance and enjoy life.

There's no question that it would have been much more difficult to accomplish if I had children. But many people in my class were older people with families and kids (I went to a community college). In my school, the average student age was 32. Look into some programs in your local community colleges; it is usually easier to start there, and at least get all the 2-year requirements out of the way. "Too late" is a bunch of cr*p.
2007-01-23 12:25 am
Is he kidding??? He's the one that is completely ignorant...go to a University and you'll see the age ranges...And statiscally, more middle aged folks go back to school....

Nothing wrong with going back when you're older...i just think it's more admirable that they find education that valuable. I had a 65 year old man in one of my classes and he was fun....made the class interesting.
2007-01-23 12:24 am
Your husband is an idiot for not being more supportive. Sweety my husband is in college as we speak and guess how old he is? 27!!!! LOL! I'm 22 and dropped out as well, but as soon as my baby is big enough, and my husband is done with his education, I'm starting mine again. It's not the easiest thing in the world, or the most fun either. But if you're really serious about it, and you have the right amount of support, you'll get by with no major problems at all. For more inspiration, read "Life Is So Good" by George Dawson. Truely and amazing story. Good luck with the schooling mama!
2007-01-23 12:24 am
There is some truth to employers wanting experienced workers. However, if you want good paying careers, you need that degree. It sounds to me like your husband is either trying to control you or that he is just over exaggerating the truth.
You tell me what's a bigger waste of time; going to college and getting a degree to better your career path or just doing nothing and taking whatever job you can find because you don't have a degree? I think common sense prevails on the ladder. Good Luck!
2007-01-23 12:23 am
Your husband is feeding you total BS. You can go back to College. And I believe a lot of Colleges have daycare for children as well. Don't ever let anyone hold you down from your dreams. Believe in yourself. And go for it. Best of luck to you and your success.
2007-01-23 12:23 am
Don't listen to him, he is absolutely dead wrong. I work as a nurse and although I am your age, there are many, many people that went back to school for their education in their 40's and had no problem getting a job. There is also a doctor I work with that had 2 kids as a teenager and ended up successfully completing medical school.

Really, he sounds like he is trying to put you down and keep you down. I would be very leery of his motives for saying this.

BTW, 27 is not even that "old"
2007-01-23 12:23 am
It is never too late for anybody to do anything. maturity and self confidence will see you through. If you start slow and put no pressure on yourself, it should be easy to get back into studying. It is an investment in your future. What if your husband got hurt or sick??? The education will help you take over and provide while he cannot. And you do not need his permission to better yourself-----he just may not want to watch the kids while you study----it is his duty to do his share for you too. Now get started and good luck. Oh, the extra money will always come in handy later in life--remind him of that.
2007-01-23 12:22 am
WTF? It's never too late to do anything and if he's telling you that kind of bull something's wrong with him. You can do anything you put your mind to! Don't let anyone tell you differently!
2007-01-23 12:22 am
no way you can and will get an education when you chose to ...my mom went to college when she was ...well really old ,older then you and graduated with three kids...nothing is impossible if you believe
2007-01-23 12:21 am
Your husband doesnt want to see you succeed...maybe he is jealous and doesn't want you to be able to take care of yourself...so that you will always need him. Go register for classes and finish your education. Dont listen to that, there is no such thing as being too late. You are still young anyhow.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
Tell your husband that he is wrong. There's a saying that goes, "Don't give me reasons why I can't, give me reasons why I can." I think in your husband's mind, this has more to do with your husband than it does with you.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
You are not too late. Your husband should be supporting you and wanting to further yourself. I am also 27 and in my third semester in college and getting a 4.0 and I work and have two kids. If I can do it so can you... I say go for it. An education is a very important thing to have now days, without it your future may be limited. It will be so worth it in the end.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
You can fall for that lame control number if you want, it's never too late for education of any kind. Figure out what you want in your life and go for it, and don't let him stop you. Not wishing any bad, but it's possible that he may not always be around, then what. Think about you and your child when it comes to your happiness.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
It isn't too late for you. I am 38 and I just got my third college degree last year. When I was going to school the ages of the other students ranged from eighteen to sixty. As for experience, you get that when you are going to school, you do a practicum where you volunteer or get paid to work. You do that three different semesters and it gives you the experience you need. If you know what it is that you want to do you can start to volunteer now for experience even if it's one day a week. He doesn't want you to go to school because then you won't be completely dependent on him. Or he is scared of losing you. It is never too late to follow your dreams.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
An education is a life long pursuit. I was 30 when I graduated from college. My friend is 51, is a grandmother of 6 and will graduate in 18 months. You are never too old to get a college education, please don't let anyone tell you that.
2007-01-23 12:21 am
Never 2oo late.
2007-01-23 12:20 am
NO!! You are never too late. I am 27 and in college and go to school with people who are in their 40's and 50's who have gotten laid off, etc. and had to start over. As long as you are alive and have all of your faculties it is never too late to get an education and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!
參考: Personal Experience as an (older) college student
2007-01-23 12:20 am
Do it for you I have people like in there 40's in my university classes, I admire them for not giving up. you going back will show your child anything is possible despite the wrong turns they may make.

Go for it!
2007-01-23 12:20 am
I am 27 and I just enrolled at the Art Institute Online the branch of the Pittsburgh school for Residential Planning. Do it grrl! You can take an online course. I dropped out of college when I was 21...I see no reason for anyone of any age to not get the education they deserve!!
2007-01-23 12:20 am
My Sister in Law didn't go to college until her daughter turned 18. She is gainfully employed now and has been for years.
2007-01-23 12:20 am
don't listen to him. i have students of 80 and up and died after she finished my final. don't let anyone limit and tell you what your potential is. only you can explore it and make things happen to your life! go girl!
2007-01-23 12:20 am
It's never too late to go back to school. Don't listen to your husband. People aren't going to discriminate because of your age. Experience is wanted with some places, but some look at a degree as experience.
2007-01-23 12:20 am
NEVER TOO LATE!!!!!! DO IT!!!!! Where would you be if something tragic happened to your husband? Gotta have a backup plan....Go for the gold...you're not too old... good luck
2007-01-23 12:20 am
my wife went back to school at age 30, graduated, got a job and now makes as much as I do.

As for hiring with experience? Sure, people like experience but not for entry level jobs. And a 30 year old is more preferable than a 22 year old in most cases...more responsible and less likely to be rash.
2007-01-23 12:19 am
I just heard about a guy going to college and then med school ..graduated college at age 42...and theres money out there to get started..do the research.
2007-01-23 12:19 am
It's never too late.
2007-01-23 12:19 am
you are never to old to learn. why does he feel insecure because you want to better yourself?
2007-01-23 12:19 am
It's never too late. I don't understand why your husband thinks it's too late. You are still young, and if school is what you want then I would say go for it.
2007-01-23 12:19 am
Nope. I don't think that's too late.
Opinion vs fact, your husband is telling you his opinion. You should go with your rational thought.
2007-01-23 12:19 am
no WAY! you can go to school online if you want. www.tesc.edu has a great program. or www.excelsior.edu you absolutely can finish. both of those programs with transfer in your credits. don't listen to him!! he is not right!
2007-01-23 12:18 am
Maybe you can go to school while the baby is at school. You're never too late to learn. Don't believe him.
2007-01-23 12:18 am
27 is not to late. there is a 45 year old man in my class.
2016-12-03 11:10 am
i'm so sorry on your loss. It should be a poor feeling to lose a baby, i am going to't even start up to imagine the discomfort you're feeling. i imagine out of those 3, As I Lay Me Down is the most acceptable decision. Ut is about lack of existence, and being so close that lack of existence isn't any obstacle. i does no longer recommend the different 2 although. different songs that are strong are: a million. One sweet Day - Mariah Carey/Boyz 2 adult males. 2. You improve Me Up - Westlife. 3. Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton.
2007-01-23 4:37 pm
Frankly your husband is not being emotionally supportive and far too pessimistic. I do not know your educational background, your study habits, or whether or not you are a diligent proactive student; but, if you truly are intent on pursuing a higher education you should focus on that and drown out the noise around you. This may sound easier than it is done, but please remember this, you are NEVER too late to learn, improve, and grow as a human being.

IMO the day you stop learning, improving and growing (emotionally moreso than physically) is when you are close to dying. With that in mind, don't worry about your husbands opinions about you and your desire to pursue an education.

A few things I'd recommend to you is to:
1) research on-line degree programs you are interested in, if you don't have a home computer try the public library,
2) visit a large bookstore like Borders and research a few of the more prominent going to college guides to learn more about requirements and university stats
3) physically visit a community college (useful option IF you want to transfer and/or obtain a certificate) and try to make an appointment to speak with an academic advisor. Note: often this is drop in, but come early and if during the early part of the semester be prepared for lines/waiting, so bring books to read. More importantly, come prepared to really talk w/the advisor, by this I mean do you research in -advance- this will help you maximize your time with the advisor and help you hone in on what is needed such as:
- required testing, forms, deadlines, financial aid etc.
- general education (GE) courses,
- max. transferrable units
- various programs available for day, evening and weekends.

Also assuming you have a high school diploma or a GED you will probably still need to take the SAT. This is partly a standardized test that is needed to gain admission to universities, it does not accurately reflect your ability to do well in college, but it is something the universities use to rank and sort applicants with. With this in mind, do your best, there are plenty of study guides, self-help and the like, but it helps to dedicate concentrated studying to improve your score. Don't be easily disheartened b/c ALL good things worth keeping are worth fighting for IMO.

Some of the best students I ever met in undergrad and grad school were single parents, juggling school, a child or children, and a job to put food on the table. Adversity really helps make us stronger so don't let anyone tell you are too old and no one will hire you. The time you spend in undergrad will open your eyes to new worlds and offer many networking and internship opportunities. Have faith you will find your path and eventually find a reasonably paying job.

Lastly, let us know how things progress if you are interested in specific schools. Good luck and go for it!
2007-01-23 2:04 am
Your husband needs to be supportive of you and you are
definately not too old to continue your education by going
to college. You need to talk to him and insist that you
want to do this as it could help you both out later down the
road. Many courses are now offered over the net so that
you would not even have to leave home. No one is ever
too old to better themself if they want to: Encourage him
to let you continue as jobs are always there for the ed-
ucated. Good luck.
2007-01-23 1:26 am
NO! It is never to late and shame on him for telling you it is!! I just completed my studies for my degree and I am 36 with a 12 and 16 yr old! My 16 yr old also is a special needs child. He has cerebral palsy, seizures, ADHD, and is Autistic. If I can do it you can. Even if you take a couple classes a quarter, do classes online do something! Your NEVER NEVER NEVER to old to learn. Again shame on your husband for saying that you are if he really was looking out for you he would be supportive of you going back to school. It almost sounds like to me he wants to under mind you going back fearing something else. Look at the options to you and then sit down and talk them over. Either way like I said do SOMETHING. FYI also when I completed my studies I landed a GREAT job as an IT manager making more money than I have in my life and I am completely happy in my career for the first time in my life. So go for it and do what will make you happy! OK I am done on my soapbox good luck and God Bless!
2007-01-23 12:52 am
I think that now is the perfect time for you to go back to school. There are a lot of places that you can take night classes or online classes to help better with your schedule.
2007-01-23 12:34 am
This is going to sound corny, but it's never too late to get a better education. I work in a restaurant (gotta love paying for college) with a women who is a waitress in her upper 30s who recently went back to college to study real estate. I would encourage you to go to college. Plus, you'll never know unless you try. Would you rather try it or stay where you are wondering what would happen?
2007-01-23 12:34 am
Not true at all. Average age in US colleges is around 35 or so. Many older people are returning to school for whatever reason. Companies are hiring more and more over 50 for their work ethics and responsibility. And you got a long way to go to reach 50. So you can tell your husband that youve only just begun and the possibilities are endless out there so dream big and go for it. Show him you can and will do it. Just start back where you left off in school. Do it for your baby and you, if nothing else. Good luck
參考: Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Pyschology
2007-01-23 12:29 am
You are never to late to go back to school. What is wrong with your husband. Is he scared that when you do go back to school, and finish up whatever you are majoring in that you will make more money. Gurl go back to school. Good Luck!!!!!!
2007-01-23 12:28 am
It's not too late. It'll take a few years, but it's not too late.
2007-01-23 12:26 am
ur hubby is wrong, u can go to college as whatever u want with ur age didnt matter if ur old or not still can go to college but however i had so many bunch friends go to college like ur age and some of them r over!
2007-01-23 12:26 am
its never to late to learn and try again, in your heart you know that you wanna try again. now its explore what you can doo theres lots of placers you can go to inroll to ask what corses you can do its never to late to learn and 27 is still young, if working is what you really wanna do then be open with hubbie talk say this is what you wanna try to do now hope he will agree.
2007-01-23 12:24 am
Maybe he just wants you to stay home to care for the baby. Has it crossed your mind, that is what he wants for you to do?

Or would you rather have a daycare person or nanny raise your kid? I think that it is too late for college because you do have a little one who needs a mother to bond with. The child doesn't need to be separated from his/her mother at all. Only "career oriented women" think like that. If you knew that you wanted to go to college, then you should have waited before even getting yourself pregnant. Let your husband provide for you two, let him be the man and the leader to do those things. That's what makes him a man!

You can still go to college, but wait until your child is over 18 years old. You have a child to raise. (smile)

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