
2007-01-23 7:28 am

回答 (9)

2007-01-23 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
you already become my memory.
2007-01-23 7:55 am
1:you are my past
2:you are not the one for me now
3:i can find your shadow only in my dream
4:i knew you just in the past
5:the histories of you have written on my memory...........
etc:the pen that you gave me was gone
2007-01-23 7:49 am
you have already become my memory.
2007-01-23 7:34 am
You've become my deepest memory!
2007-01-23 7:34 am
1. you've become my memory.
2. you reside in my memory only.

2007-01-22 23:40:43 補充:
其實好睇你句中文係咩語氣...第一句再重手o的就 You've become my deep memory (注意: 懷念故人都可以咁寫)第二句係你唔再重要, 只係我回憶既一部份
2007-01-23 7:33 am
all your belongings became my memories!
2007-01-23 7:33 am
you already became my memories
2007-01-23 7:32 am
you are my memory.!!
2007-01-23 7:32 am
中文譯英文 已經成為左我既回憶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!點解既

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