l like a horror film文法有錯嗎?

2007-01-23 7:07 am
l like a horror film文法有錯嗎?

回答 (6)

2007-01-23 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
wrong grammar--->l like a horror film.
It should be --->I like horror films.
參考: me
2007-01-23 5:37 pm
Incorrect !!

You should say: I like horror movies


I like a horror movie, called XXXX.
2007-01-23 7:13 am
this is wrong, you can say 'I like horror films'.
2007-01-23 7:12 am

[我愛一套恐佈片] 都可以當你對
應改做[I like horror films.]
參考: myself
2007-01-23 7:12 am

如果係ge 話,你可以咁寫:
I like to watch horror film 又或者I like watching horror film

你而家寫ge I Iike a horror film

2007-01-28 15:00:43 補充:
I like horror films.......
2007-01-23 7:11 am
Grammar is correct. But it'd better if you just tell the person the title, that's more informative.

I like the horror movie "Ring".
I like the horror film "Omen".

2007-01-23 00:16:45 補充:
你而家寫ge I Iike a horror film即係話比人聽,你好似一出恐怖片^ No, this is incorrect.你好似一出恐怖片 should be: You ARE like a horror film.

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