急急急急急急急十萬火急~唔該各位請幫我翻譯為英文(最好自己文字)~thx 意思差唔多都得啦~

2007-01-23 6:14 am

她為人和藹可親又溫柔,她每當我犯錯時她都沒有責駡而會耐心地解釋給我聽, 要我改過,將來做一個有用的人,為社會作出貢獻。

媽媽盡心盡力照顧我,每天做家務,準備一日三餐,從來沒有半句怨言。小時候,每當我生病,媽媽都緊張, 帶我去看醫生, 每天提點我吃藥多休息, 煮清淡的粥給我。為我擔心了好幾天,直到我康復才放心。媽媽每天都抽出休息時間教導我做功課,指出我的錯誤,耐心地教我。 母親的無微不至的愛真是很偉大啊!

媽媽對我的愛,對我的關心都是無條件的,並不能用物質來衡量, 她所教懂我做人處事的道理我會永遠僅記於心 。

回答 (3)

2007-01-23 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
My mother has a pair of small eyes, a thin and tall nose, also a tuft of curly black hair.She is not tall, but quite thin.
She is kind and affable. Every times, she knows me do some wrong things, she'll never punish but she will explain to patiently, hope me to mend and be a useful person in the future, work for this community.
My mother tries her best to care about me. She does the housework every day and prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for me, but she never has any grumble. When I was a child, my mother would be nervous if I was sick and she would bring me to visit the doctors, she also told me to take the medicine and rest more every day. She would cook some congee to me too! She would be worried until I became better. My mother will take some of her rest time to teach me with my homework, point out my wrongs, then teach me patiently. The love of mother is so great!
The love which my mother spend on me, her care is no reason, and it cannot compare with any materials, I will remember the principle in our lives which my mother teaches me forever!
===================above is 100% I creat, I use a long time ^^""=============
Hope can help you^^"
2007-01-23 6:28 am
Mother has a pair of thin eye, the nose is high, but also some bunch of pitch-black tunes send, her stature is not certainly high, the stature thin truncates.
Her manner affable also is gentle, she whenever I violates wrong time her all not to have the responsibility but to meet patiently explained listens to me, to want me to reform, future will be a useful person, will make the contribution for the society.
Mother does one's best to look after me, every day does the housework, prepares on first the three meals a day, never has the half a word complaint. In childhood, whenever I fell ill, mothers were all anxious, lead me to look at doctor, every day raised selects me to eat the medicine multi- rests, boiled the light gruel to give me. Had worried for me quite several days, are restored to health until me only then felt relieved. Mother extracts the relaxation time to teach every day I do the schoolwork, pointed out my mistake, patiently teaches me. Mother's meticulous love really is very great! Mother to my love, to my care all is unconditional, certainly cannot use the matter to weigh, she teaches me to make the truth which the person handles matters me to be able forever only to record to the heart.

Wish have help to you ~~ ^^
2007-01-23 6:24 am

Mother has a pair of thin eye, the nose is high, but also some bunch of pitch-black tunes send, her stature is not high, the stature truncates.
Her manner affable also is gentle, when she I makes mistakes but she does not have the responsibility to meet explained patiently listens to me, to want me to reform, future will be a useful person, will make the contribution for the society.
Mother does one's best to look after me, every day does the housework, the preparation eat three meals a day, never has the half a word complaint. In childhood, whenever I fell ill, mothers were all anxious, lead me to go see a doctor, every day raised selects me to take a drug the multi-rests, boiled the light gruel to give me. Had worried for me several days, are restored to health until me only then felt relieved. Mother extracts the relaxation time to teach every day I do the schoolwork, pointed out my mistake, teaches me patiently. Mother's meticulous love really is very great!
Mother to my love, to my care all is unconditional, cannot use the material to weigh, she teaches the truth which I the personhood handle matters me to be able forever only to record in the heart.

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