
2007-01-23 4:07 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-25 4:43 am
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我本身係墨爾本讀書ga, 之前去過坎培拉, 但係我對呢個首都睇法係比大陸d鄉村更荒蕪, 通常d人去坎培拉就係參觀小人國, 使館區, 國會, 博物館等等, 一日可以睇哂, 所以我諗冇咩團只係去坎培拉, 通常都係墨爾本+坎培拉團, 又或者係悉尼+坎培拉, 又或者布里斯本+坎培拉, 所以你自己睇下點la, 咁去睇下一個國家嘅首都都好嘅, 但係我自己係去悉尼, 然後係china twon自己報團去坎培拉, 都係55蚊澳幣, 大概3百幾蚊港幣, 都唔太貴.....
2007-01-27 5:25 pm
I live in Sydney and had worked in Canberra for about 9 months. Canberra does not have much tourist attractions but it is still worth going. Canberra does not have international airport so you have to go to Sydney and take a coach to Canberra, it only takes about 3 hours. Do not take the train, for it is more expenisive and takes 4 hours.
There are lots of day tour (or 2 days tour) from Sydney to Canberra.
2007-01-23 6:31 am
I don't think there is any tourist to go to Canberra alone. I think you better of to take the tourist to go to Sydney first, then take a local tour to go to Canberra. Because there is not much to see in Canberra anyway. The most you need is 2 days, you can see everything in there. Actually there are more to see in Sydney, you should spend more time in Sydney then in Canberra.
Otherwise you can stay behind after you finsih the Sydney tour, then get a train ticket to go to Canberra.

Hope it can help.

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