
2007-01-23 3:44 am
我而家係外國,,,,,我雖然由細到大英文都全班第尾,,,,中5果陣仲要俾人話得小學程到,,,但我去左美國幾年,,,,,都始終係講唔掂d 英文,,佢地成日話我講得好硬- -仲有d 英式口音= =不過我唔多識分英式同美式wo,,我明佢地80%,,,,,唔明講d 係佢地講得實在太快同痴埋一舊- -仲有d slang ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,有咩方法可以令我講得好d ,d pronounciation 同埋可以令我明埋個20% - -唔好叫我多聽多講呀,,,,,,, 我盡緊我努力架啦,,,,,想再改善好d ,,,,,,

最後係,,,,好難發 L ,R V 同Z 音= =可能我細細個有意外整親個口同咀唇- -有咩方法解決呢....

thanks a lot

回答 (2)

2007-01-23 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
咁你未俾心機d學好英文囉= =真係俾你激死牙,記住牙,一定要俾心機d,你要信你一定得牙> <
2007-01-23 6:18 am
hi friend. I have the exact same problem with I first came to the US for college 7 years ago. Even I studied in a English secondary school in HK, I still find it difficult to understand what people are saying and people have difficulty understanding what I am trying to say. And I was in Texas too, and Texas people have heavy southerners accent.

Even 7 years later and I have already started working, people in the office still say I have a little bit of british accent. I think the key to this is, you have to talk to american more and then you will be able to pick up their accent and your language skills will improve. Try to think and talk more in English so that one day words will flow out of your mouth without the translating the thoughts in your mind.

There are a lot of slangs in the US depending where you are living and it's hard to teach you specific ones. To be honest with you, you only learn it through everyday interaction. There are a few examples:
in texas: Howdy.... means how are you?
let's get it roll'n... meaning let's get it started.

The your final part about pronoucation. I have the issue R.... I cant really roll my tongue until today. I think if you say more you will get used to it. The more practice you gets the better. I think now it's ok for me to say words with the R sound in it like Rolling, Repeat, etc, but I know it deep inside me that if I am just saying R it's a bit weird. But it's also a mothertongue thing too. So don't worry about it too much.

If you can understand 80% is already good la... give yourself sometime and you will speak more and more like an american.
參考: my experience

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