Kelly Clarkson 會於何時出碟?

2007-01-23 2:05 am
Kelly Clarkson 會於何時出碟? 香港幾時會有呢?

我要問的是她第3張大碟幾時會出呀! 你寫哂之前啲碟都冇用嫁...


咁知唔知幾月呀? 2007邊季呢? 大概呢?

回答 (3)

2007-02-05 5:47 am
You are not answering the question!
2007-01-27 11:50 pm
傳聞話係 easter .....
2007-01-24 12:01 am
Kelly Clarkson's 3rd album will be realeased in 2007.
But I'm not sure about the exact date.
參考: ME!!!

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