
2007-01-23 1:02 am
本人很想搭國泰B-HOY 747-400(彩繪機), 剛剛飛羅馬用747-400, 不知道有沒有機會搭到?
裡面聽說很新, PTV 有自己遙控, 是嗎?

回答 (1)

2007-01-23 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depending on when, Cathay Pacific will use B747-400 on the route except flights on Saturday from Hong Kong will deploy A340-300... And this means that any B747-400 in Cathay Pacific fleet could be used on the route...
As Cathay Pacific currently have no specific route which B-HOY would be deploy on... That means this jet could be used on any of the route in current Cathay Pacific network that they deploy B747-400 on...
With 21 B747-400 in Cathay Pacific fleet currently, which means there is a 1/21 chance that you will get to fly on B-HOY... And as there is no fixed schedule for the aircraft, that means it all depend on your luck of getting to fly on it or not...
And yes, Cathay Pacific new seats are fitted with new PTV control which are not fixed on the seat like the old seats... However, these new seats are yet to be placed into services... And B-HOY is fitted with the old seats...

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