WENTWORTH MILLER(Prison Break個男主角)

2007-01-22 11:52 pm
1. 想要佢All Information
2. 佢除o左演出「Dinotopia(恐龍帝國)」同「Prison Break」外,仲有演出D咩??
3. 佢o向「Dinotopia」o既Information
4. 佢o向「Prison Break」o既Information
5. 佢演出過o既野有冇VCD或DVD賣??
6. 可以o向邊度買??

回答 (2)

2007-01-23 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
溫特沃思·厄爾·米勒三世(Wentworth Earl Miller III,1972年6月2日奇平諾頓 - )是在英國出生的美國演員,畢業於普林斯頓大學,擁有非洲、牙買加、英國、德國猶太、法國、荷蘭、黎巴嫩和敘利亞八種混合血統。

米勒因主演電視劇《逃》(Prison Break)而聲名雀起,並因此獲得了2005年金球獎最佳電視劇男主角獎的提名。

Wentworth Earl Miller III (born June 2, 1972) is an English-born American actor who achieved fame as Michael Scofield in the Fox Network's television series Prison Break.

[edit] Early life
Miller's father is of African, Jamaican, English, German Jewish, and Cherokee[1] descent, and his mother is of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese descent.[2] In an interview, Miller said: "My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, at times, caught between two communities."[3]

He was born in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, where his father, a Rhodes Scholar, was studying.[4] His family moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York, when he was one. He has two sisters, who are both currently practicing law. [5]

Miller's first three years of high school were spent at Midwood High School in Brooklyn, where his nickname was "Stinky".[6] He then transferred to Quaker Valley Senior High School in Sewickley, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, where he graduated in 1990. In 1995, he graduated from Princeton University with a degree in English Literature. While at Princeton, he performed with the school's a cappella group, The Princeton Tigertones.

Subsequently, he headed to Los Angeles, California, to pursue an acting career. He ended up spending years doing behind-the-scenes work to support himself before devoting himself seriously to auditioning for acting roles.

[edit] Career
Miller's first starring role was as the sensitive and introverted David in ABC's mini-series Dinotopia. After appearing in a few minor television roles, he moved on to co-star in the film The Human Stain (2003), playing the younger version of Anthony Hopkins' character.

Miller further increased his profile in 2005 by obtaining the starring role as Michael Scofield in Fox Network's television drama, Prison Break. His performance in the show earned him a 2005 Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series.[7]

Also in 2005, Miller made appearances in the music videos of Mariah Carey's "It's Like That" and "We Belong Together" (consequently, Entertainment Weekly's website named it the 2nd sexiest music video cameo of all-time). Both music videos were directed by Brett Ratner, who directed the series pilot of Prison Break. According to Brett Ratner on the DVD audio commentary for the "Pilot" episode of Prison Break, Wentworth Miller auditioned for the role of Superman/Clark Kent when the Superman Returns project was still under Ratner's directorial control.

2007-01-22 16:01:49 補充:
[edit] Personal life Miller as "Coleman Silk" in The Human Stain. © Miramax Films 2003In 2003, Miller was cast as 'Coleman Silk' in The Human Stain. ........

2007-01-22 16:02:25 補充:
[edit] FilmographyYear Title Role Notes Television 2005-present Prison Break Michael Scofield TV series 2005 Ghost Whisperer Sgt. Paul Adams Season 1, episode 1 - "Pilot"

2007-01-22 16:02:44 補充:
2005 Joan of Arcadia Ryan Hunter Season 2, episode 21 - "Common Thread" Season 2, episode 22 - "Something Wicked This Way Comes" 2002 Dinotopia David Scott TV miniseries 2000 ER Mike Palmieri Season 7, episode 1 - "Homecoming"

2007-01-22 16:04:15 補充:
.......... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wentworth_Miller
2007-01-23 6:34 am
姓名: Wentworth Earl Miller III
生日: 1972年6月2日
出生地: 英格兰,牛津郡
成长地: 纽约,布鲁克林
身高: 6' 1/2"(1.84——1.85米左右)
眼睛颜色: 蓝绿色

大家不知道的特长:清唱 (大学时加入了合唱队The Tiger Tones,而且与他们一同录了两张专辑)
血统:美国黑人, 牙买加, 英国, 德国, 法国, 荷兰, 叙利亚和黎巴嫩
喜欢的电视明星:Angie Harmon
自己的车: 1983 Mercedes 300
作品:《Buffy the Vampire Slayer捉鬼者巴菲》、《Time of Your Life》、《Popular》、《ER急诊室》、《Joan of Arcadia天国的女儿》、《Ghost Whisper鬼语者》

和谐又统一地融合了危险和安全、暴力与温柔、邪魅和儒雅、暴徒和学者、冷静和疯狂的各种气质,一部《越狱》让Wentworth Miller从龙套怪圈中脱狱而出,成为2005年最耀眼的电视明星。虽然曾经因为血统问题被初恋女友抛弃,曾经因为一副漫画被全世界人误解,闯荡好莱坞却参经经历了488次失败的面试,他终于没有放弃寻找自己。Wentworth,实在有着太多的故事要说??

第一次见到Wenworth是在一部叫做《鬼语者Ghost Whisper》的电视剧里,他扮演一个在越战中去世的美国士兵鬼魂,千里迢迢回来见儿子最后一面。这部电视剧里他全部的戏就在于那双让人痛彻心扉的眼睛,流露出的是怎样的一种眼神!迷惘、痛苦、悲哀到最后幸福满足,饱含的泪水湿润了每一个观众。自此,我对他充满了好奇,为什么他演技这么好,而我们却从来没有听说过他?随着电视剧《越狱》的开播,我们的愿望得到了满足。


Wentworth的父母在美国耶鲁大学求学时相遇相爱。1972年6月2日,我们的主人公 Wentworth Earl Miller III 在英国牛津郡哇哇落地。祖母给小Wentworth起了现在的这个名字。这个名字来源于简·奥斯丁的著名小说人物“Captain Wentworth”。实际上Wentworth是姓,所以Wentworth名字由两个姓组成。 Wentworth的意思是:“Went”=英国诺森伯兰郡的一条河流,“worth”=此地。天生一双迷人绿色眼睛的小miller在牛津郡渡过了自己的童年,当时他父亲得到了罗氏奖学金,在牛津继续研读法律。当他父亲完成学业后,全家搬回纽约。Wentworth回忆自己从小被灌输一种概念。如果你想从事一份工作,那么就要坚持到底,绝对不能半途而废。父亲每天在他出门上学之前都会对他说一个词‘积累’,“每一次测验,每一次问答老师提问,每一次和老师的谈话,都会影响到最后的成绩,并且将对你未来的学习和生活有益。所有你察觉不到的细微之处,将是你获得巨大成功的奠基。” 就是这种人生态度和他的首次登台经验,冥冥中似乎决定了他未来的职业方向,成为一个演员。而他父亲更是在不知不觉中更是起到了非常大的作用,Miller回忆:“我的第一次演出是在幼儿园。我们打算演一出恐龙的童话剧,我扮演暴龙。那时我们都需要自己制作演出服装,大部分小孩都用各种颜色的纸做成恐龙头套戴在头上,而我父亲却异想天开地用了别的材料制作了一个巨大的暴龙头。演出那天,当我戴着那个东西走到舞台上时,所有人都惊呆了??场面非常轰动。”在他的整个求学阶段,只要父母允许,他就参加各种各样的舞台演出。

太多資料, 不能盡錄, 請到以下網址

另外, 太多profile話佢的眼睛顏色不同, 但在一個訪問中他說過自己兩隻眼的顏色其實係一樣, 只是有時燈光問題而令你覺得不同。相信我, 我之前看過很多有關他的報導。

佢又憑prison break被提名過Saturn Award、金球獎及Teen Choice Award
另憑human stain被提名過Black Reel award, 但未攞過獎

佢演出過妮歌潔曼都有份做的Human Stain, 人性本色, 同埋做過妖野人狼(Underworld), 各大影碟舖都有售架.
Dinotopia裡他做配音(當然了, 唔通扮恐龍?!)
又演過不少電視劇, 如"Ghost Whisperer", "ER" 等但都是客串做幾集.

以下是他做過的電視/ 電影, 右邊寫的是角色名:

"Ghost Whisperer" .... Sgt. Paul Adams (1 episode, 2005)
- Pilot (2005) TV Episode .... Sgt. Paul Adams
Stealth (2005) (voice) .... EDI
"Joan of Arcadia" .... Ryan Hunter (2 episodes, 2005)
- Something Wicked This Way Comes (2005) TV Episode .... Ryan Hunter
- Common Thread (2005) TV Episode .... Ryan Hunter
The Confession (2005) .... Husband/Prisoner
Underworld (2003) .... Dr. Adam Lockwood
... aka Underworld (Germany)
The Human Stain (2003) .... Young Coleman Silk
... aka Couleur du mensonge, La (France)
... aka Menschliche Makel, Der (Germany)
"Dinotopia" (2002) (mini) TV Series .... David Scott
Room 302 (2001) .... Server #1
"ER" .... Mike Palmieri (1 episode, 2000)
- Homecoming (2000) TV Episode .... Mike Palmieri
"Time of Your Life" .... Nelson (2 episodes, 1999-2000)
- The Time They Got E-Rotic (2000) TV Episode .... Nelson
- The Time the Truth Was Told (1999) TV Episode .... Nelson
"Popular" .... Adam Rotchild Ryan (2 episodes, 2000)
- Ch-Ch-Changes (2000) TV Episode .... Adam Rotchild Ryan
- All About Adam (2000) TV Episode .... Adam Rotchild Ryan
Romeo and Juliet (2000) (V) .... Paris

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" .... Gage Petronzi (1 episode, 1998)
... aka BtVS (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Buffy
... aka Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Series
- Go Fish (1998) TV Episode .... Gage Petronzi

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