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Keep Fit 錦囊
1. 唔食早餐好易肥!( 以兩人攝取熱量為例,一日食兩餐的人比一日食三餐的人容易肥, 奇怪嗎?點解呢?! 因為食野的相隔時間太長,身體會發出肌餓訊號,當再度進食時,食物就容易轉化成脂肪,並儲存在體內。所以無論如何,早餐是一定要吃的。一日三餐好重要啊! )
2. 節食不是減肥的好方法(只以節食而不多做運動,雖然可以減了好多脂肪,但同時會把身體重要的成份(骨本、血液、肌肉和水份)也減掉。雖然可以暫時令磅數減少,但身體內的脂肪比率並沒有改變,即仍在肥胖狀態,我們稱之為『隱性肥胖』,這是很多減肥的人犯上的錯誤。這對身體做成傷害。減肥冇捷徑,適量的飲食及充分的運動,才是真正Keep fit的方法。)
3. 午餐要食飽D!!(因為食飽D咁先至有能量工作,同時可減低食下午茶或零食的機會。而且,脂肪的消耗量在日間工作是較大的(若你的工作是日間進行),所以唔使擔心會易肥。當然,食飽D不是叫你暴飲暴食啦!!)
4. 肚餓時可稍微吃點東西(建議食乳酪、牛奶或低卡路里食品,例如飯糰、水果、或者乳酪/香蕉,熱量在200~250卡路里以內的食物。另同時可考慮多飲礦泉水等無糖飲料。)
On an average day, how much energy do you think you burn?
It's actually not that easy to burn calories, even when you are trying to lose weight.
In order to burn a pound you have to shed 3500 Kcal!!
Theoretically, if you exerted yourself on a daily basis, it takes you a week to burn 1 calorie (at the rate of 500 Kcal/day).
That's a lot of work, right?
Below you can get a rough idea of how many calories are burned when doing different exercises.
How many calories you burn is also determined by your weight, the heavier you are the more calories are burned off.
Activity 120 lbs 140 lbs 160lbs 180lbs
Per min Per hour Per min Per hour Per min Per hour Per min Per hour
Aerobics (Traditional) 7.4 444 8.6 516 9.8 588 11.1 666
Basketball 7.5 450 8.8 528 10.0 600 11.3 678
Bowling 1.2 72 1.4 84 1.6 96 1.9 114
Cycling (10 mph) 5.5 330 6.4 384 7.3 438 8.2 492
Golf (pull/carry clubs) 4.6 276 5.4 324 6.2 372 7.0 420
Golf (power cart) 2.1 126 2.5 150 2.8 168 3.2 192
Hiking 4.5 270 5.2 312 6.0 360 6.7 402
Jogging 9.3 558 10.8 648 12.4 744 13.9 834
Running 11.4 684 13.2 792 15.1 906 17.0 1020
Sitting Quietly 1.2 72 1.3 78 1.5 90 1.7 102
Skating (ice and roller) 5.9 354 6.9 414 7.9 474 8.8 528
Swimming 7.8 468 9.0 540 10.3 618 11.6 696
Tennis 6.0 360 6.9 414 7.9 474 8.9 534
Walking 6.5 390 7.6 456 8.7 522 9.7 582
Weight Training 6.6 396 7.6 456 8.7 522 9.8 588
如果你有均衡嘅飲食加埋做運動當然可以 keep 到 fit 啦。三種生果都好好,不過本人覺得三種生果之中奇異果最好因為佢好有營養。 (所以媽咪成日迫我食^^)聽講食奇異果會白d tim ar~西柚就幫助消化。生果唔怕食得多只要唔好食咁多油同甜嘅野就得gar la!!!