英文一問 thx

2007-01-22 11:19 pm
1 Tin-Chi is not alone in being distant from his father.
2 A recent survey, which was conducted among more than one thousand form 2 to form 6 students of each sexes,
3 revealed that most teenagers in local chinese families are alienated form their fathers, 4 not because of conflict,
5 but lack of communication.
第二句conducted amoung 點解?
thank you.

回答 (4)

2007-01-23 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 不只天志一個人與自己的父親很疏遠
2. 最近有一項調查, 調查對象為多於一千個介乎於中二至中六的男女學生
3. 顯示出很多本地中國家庭中的年青人都跟他們的父親很疏遠
4. 並不是因為爭執,
5. 而是因為溝通不足

conducted among 指 在(年青人)其中舉行 (Conducted among teenagers)
2007-01-23 12:53 am
Tin-Chi is not alone in being distant from his father
雖然Tin-Chi與父親分隔很遠, 但是他不覺得孤獨。

A recent survey, which was conducted among more than one thousand form 2 to form 6 students of each sexes

recent survey----最近的調查
was conducted among-----訪問....(人)

hope that can help you~
參考: myself
2007-01-22 11:30 pm
1. 不只Tin-Chi一個人與他的父親有距離;
2. 調查對象包括每種性別各逾一千名中二至中六的學生,conducted among是在這些人之中進行的意思.
2007-01-22 11:28 pm
2.帶領 之中

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