
2007-01-22 11:03 pm

回答 (5)

2007-01-22 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
律師 Solicitor

是負責處理雜務上的事宜 如:離婚,遺產承辦,樓宇買賣的文件手續,同時可以去 Mag Court, District Court)

大律師 Barrister

是負責打官司,如離婚上有贍養費的問題出現,樓宇踢契,爭產等, 雖要由法庭去處理誰是誰非,大律師是會著袍及帶假髮的,但律師只會著袍,不會帶假髮,(好像余若微便是大律師了)
參考: Commen Sense
2007-01-24 9:01 am
The difference is all about the right of audience in the court.
Solicitor is not allowed to appear in the High Court (Court of first instance/Court of appeal/Court of final appeal), but a barrister.
For example: If the case (Always a serious offence/claim, the penalty is likelihood to be more than 7 years of imprisonment/more than 1 million of claiming amount in a civil case)is put before a high court judge, the accused/respondent must be defenced/responsed by a barrister through a solicitor.
Both solicitor and barrister are able to handle criminal/civil case, it depends on how serious the case is.
P.S a solicitor will not named as barrister even if he works in this field for years.

2007-01-24 01:19:08 補充:
基本上係一樣,但係律師可以係一d新仔/大律師就係一d已經好有經驗--WRONG律師:處理文事案件/大律師:處理刑事案件--WRONG兩者唔會做對方之案件,如有需要佢地會將d案件彈比對方--It depends.律師是負責處理雜務上的事宜 如:離婚遺產承辦樓宇買賣的文件手續--More categories can be handled by solicitor, including criminal case.

2007-01-24 01:19:24 補充:
大律師是負責打官司--Its true,but...如離婚上有贍養費的問題出現,樓宇踢契,爭產等, 雖要由法庭去處理誰是誰非--These matters can be handled by solicitors.
2007-01-22 11:15 pm
律師通常稱為事務律師, 負責不同類型的案件, 可自由接生意, 但在高等法院 (一些簡單聆訊除外) 或以上的法院沒有發言權, 但大律師則多數擅長某幾種案件, 比較專門, 但不能直接接生意, 需由事務律師介紹, 在任何法院也有發言權.
2007-01-22 11:10 pm

2007-01-22 11:09 pm
基本上係一樣...但係律師可以係一d新仔 大律師就係一d已經好有經驗 而且受人認同 好高威望既律師

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