急 paypal既問題

2007-01-22 7:46 pm



回答 (3)

2007-01-23 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry i cant type chinese so i will make my english as simple as possible:

Nono, 如果你的 PAYPAL 是在 Hong Kong 開, then thomasleev 的回答是錯.

Because the function he mentioned is only OK if your Paypal is opened in, for example USA or UK. For HK accounts you CANNOT add funds through a bank account (not supported by HK PAYPAL) - 你一定要用信用卡.

Another way to fund your account is to receive money from other Paypal users. In this case you can use your $$ in your account balance to pay for goods.

2. 如果我用paypal黎買野咁係唔係會即時就會過左數比佢?? -
- Yes it will be an instant transaction if you use 信用卡.

2007-01-24 02:18:34 補充:
Dear thomasleev,Yes yes that is correct too! So you will need either a credit card or a debit card - because mine is a combined credit+debit card so i forgot about it totally haha... thanks for the info :)

2007-01-24 02:39:16 補充:
Dear shella,To open you dont need a card, all you need is an email address. Its only when you need to send money then you will need to add a card. However, to receive money you will need a HK based bank account so that you can withdraw the cash to yourself.Hope this helps :)
參考: myself
2007-01-24 5:09 am
以個人經驗,答案是一定要有信用咭才可以開到戶口,一來,paypal會首先從信用咭扣錢作upgrade的作用,方便買東西 / 賣東西用的。那些錢會作退回的。另,買家是用card付錢的,故要用信用咭登記。但有外國買家可以透過paypal用e-cheque,所以可以用支票。


參考: 個人經驗,用paypal有半年左右....
2007-01-23 6:59 pm
Dear imulondon


sorry呀,小草 順便搭問.

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