加拿大國際學校 vs ESF West Island vs ESF South Island

2007-01-22 7:28 pm
How to Apply?

回答 (2)

2007-01-26 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
For me, West Island is better.

It was because of their sports achievements. The school physical education faculty invests heavily in the development of such sports and relevant equipment. The school excels in sporting, with the school's track, swimming, field hockey, rugby, football, volleyball, martial arts, netball, mountain biking and basketball teams constantly dominating Hong Kong inter-school championship leaderboards.

To gather more information of the school and applying, you may contact the school by phone: (852) 2819 1962 or by e-mail: wis@wis.edu.hk. You may also visit their website http://www.wis.edu.hk/ or go directly to their school.

The address of the school is:
250 Victoria Road
Hong Kong
2007-01-26 7:40 pm
School:Canadian International School of Hong Kong(加拿大國際學校)
Reason: They have best achievements and It promoted the students to learn more about the world(mostly Canada).They have excellent development on art, architecture and design.They also give out programs and activity for new students, to let them easily handle every difficulties.
For more information, you may try to contact them by phone:(852) 2525 7088

School address:
The Canadian International School of Hong Kong
36 Nam Long Shan Road
Hong Kong

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