求蘿蔔糕英文食譜= =

2007-01-22 6:51 pm
求蘿蔔糕英文食譜= =

回答 (1)

2007-01-22 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案


Turnips 1.2kg
Minced pork 150g
Dried scallops 38g
Dried shrimps 38g
Dried black mushrooms 4
Grated shallot 1tbsp
White sesame (stir fried)
Long-grain 300g
Rice flour
Cornflour 38g
Water 2 1/2 cup


Brown sugar (finely chopped) 1/2 tbsp
Dark soy sauce 1/2 tbsp
Salt 1tsp

Cooking Method:

Soak dried scallops and shrimps until soft. Tear dried scallops into fine shreds and finely chop dried shrimps.
Cut the stalks from the caps of mushrooms, soak until soft and shred.
Peel and thickly shred turnips. Put into pot and add 2 1/2 cups of water. Cook until turnip shred become transparent.
Heat wok and add oil. Stir fry shallot until fragrant. Add miced pork and stir fry until done. Add dried scallops, black mushrooms and shrimps and stir fry. Pour into turnip shreds and liquid from cooking turnip shreds. Add seasoning and bring to the boil. Turn off heat. Add long-grain rice flour and cornflour and stir slowly.
Brush pudding tin with a layer of oil. Pour into pudding mixture and steam over high heat for 1 hour. Unmould pudding and sprinkle with sesame. Leave to cool, cut into pieces and saute until fragrant.

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