
2007-01-22 11:18 am

回答 (3)

2007-01-22 11:37 am
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殺人鯨(英文Orca / Killer Whale),學名叫虎鯨/逆戟鯨 (Orcinus orca),好多人都誤會咗佢係一種鯨,事實上佢係世界上最大,最孔武有力嘅海豚品種。因為獵食時兇殘,曾有咬人的記錄, 而且仲食好多海豹同海豚而得到殺人鯨呢個名。

其實, 殺人鯨至今仍未有殺害人類既記錄,唯一一次攻擊記錄係咬住一個滑浪者,但好快就放左佢。

2007-01-29 2:15 am
殺人鯨屬齒鯨目, 一般鯨魚屬鬚鯨目。
2007-01-22 11:44 am
According to Encyclopedia whales (such as blue whale) are denfined as a species called "cetacean" that are neither dolphins or porpoises. Whale is a very general term which can refer to all types of cetaceans. However killer whales are known as the Orca and they also belong to the "Oceanic Dolphin Family". So from this we can tell there is a slight difference in defining them.

Anyway, normally general whales are grouped with a few (such as blue whale or humpback whale) but killer whales are grouped in 'packs' for they have to hunt down predators larger than them such as other bigger whales and sharks.

But you also asked why do killer whales look better than most of the other whales. Well, first killer whales have a smaller size than others like the baleen whales. These baleen whales have to excrete a type of enzyme on their skin in order to avoid attack microbes and so their skin does not look as smooth and shiny as the skin of a killer whale ^^ They do this in order to protect the larger area skin^^

Hope I 've helped you to solve the problem ^^

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