
2007-01-22 8:16 am
完成LCC Lv3 可做會計文員
合格HKAAT 那8份paper成為專業會計員後, 除了做會計文員, 還可做會計業的什麼職位?
合格PBE, 可做會計業的什麼職位?
完成會計師公會CPA課程和合格, 可做會計業的什麼職位?

回答 (2)

2007-01-22 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案


當你有經驗時,可以到大公司做Financial controller,例如:銀行,會計師行,因為無實戰經驗,好難做到,同時你所學既,唔會教你商場既人係點,你要不斷學既,唔只係學識同經驗!所以,唔好剩係睇表面好!
參考: 自己
2007-01-22 8:23 am
After you had passed HKATT, you can try to apply the post of audit trainer or junior auditor as your case is similar to my friends'.
If you also pass the PBE and CPA too, you can try to apply the post of Accountant if you have Bachelor Degree of Account. Otherwise, it's only a bonus for your career.
參考: My Friends

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