
2007-01-22 6:16 am
不知不覺,原來奧運的日子離我們愈來愈近,而奧運的氣氛亦愈來愈強.而article里提到內地與香港會全力加強運輸合作,這令我聯想到北京的 的士司機,被強制參加英語的培訓,以應付2008奧運的需求.



回答 (2)

2007-01-22 10:00 pm
Unconsciously, the original Olympic Games' day leaves us increasingly near, but Olympic Games' atmosphere increasingly is also strong But in article mentioned the inland and Hong Kong can strengthen the transportation cooperation with all one's strength, this makes I associates Beijing the gentleman driver, is forced to participate English training, deals with 2,008 Olympic Games the demand This long term said is good, because the Chinese people innate nature may strengthen, the people slightly understand some English to treat with courtesy beneficially, the so-called acquaintance regarding the human relations all over the sky under, is a good deed China will be the future leader, if the people will not be able to study understand English, how will link up with the western person, how will be able '' to embark '' to the world?
2007-01-22 8:01 am
Unconsciously, the original Olympic Games' day leaves us increasingly near, but Olympic Games' atmosphere increasingly is also strong But in article mentioned the inland and Hong Kong can strengthen the transportation cooperation with all one's strength, this makes I associates Beijing the gentleman driver, is forced to participate English training, deals with 2,008 Olympic Games the demand This long term said is good, because the Chinese people innate nature may strengthen, the people slightly understand some English to treat with courtesy beneficially, the so-called acquaintance regarding the human relations all over the sky under, is a good deed China will be the future leader, if the people will not be able to study understand English, how will link up with the western person, how will be able '' to embark '' to the world?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:56
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