
2007-01-22 6:03 am


我唔要網上翻譯,d grammar錯哂ga

回答 (3)

2007-01-22 11:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is an unbalanced world as people in privileged countries such as the United States or Japan has trashed away a tremendous amount of food, while in the other side of the globe a lot of less privileged people particularly those in African countries are facing serious issues with famine and hunger. According to a statistics, there is one people die of hunger on the average of every seven seconds. This fact is definitely worth everyone's attention.

Nowadays, there are a lot of organizations that are helping out the minority of the population that are suffering from hunger. This has not only initiated the process of rescue, and it also allow others to be aware of the need to provide aid to those that are less priviledged. For instance, the slogan for the 2008 Beijing Olymplics is " One world, One dream," and I hope this dream will come true in near future.

I hope this sounds ok to you~
參考: myself
2007-01-22 10:02 pm
This is a not balanced world, US, Japan's people's matter in plenty life, massively discards every year unnecessary food, on the contrary, in the Earth one side, has very many people in addition faced with the famine threat, specially Africa's people, all day long must the warm and sufficient condition Pointed out according to statistics that, the African people equally 7 seconds then can have 1 person to die because of the famine, are a worrying numeral Now, in the society has very many organizations diligently to rescue cannot the warm and sufficient condition people, this not only played the impetus role, also the people was known originally has very many people in this world to need to help Just like in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games' slogan: The identical world, the identical dream, I hoped the one day this dream to be able to realize
2007-01-22 6:10 am


The life of thing rich 〓〓 is written, the food of a lot of entire a large amount of 〓 every year that is is thrown away, it conflicts, it is 〓 of another one of the earth, there is a person a lot of ..threat.. 〓 whom face 〓〓 neglects, and 〓 doesn't obtain day 〓〓 in ..〓.. the people in Africa especially in the world of unbalanced 1〓 beautiful 〓 and 〓 of the people in Japan 〓. 〓 is one person who dies of 〓 shortage, and is 1〓〓 mind 〓 character average root 〓1〓〓〓 for seven seconds by the Africa people. It points it out.

There is 〓, and are a lot of 〓〓 that makes an effort on company 〓 and rescues the people of 〓〓, and as for 〓, the people are made the pushed 〓 action not only is demonstrated but also to be burnt and it knows there are a lot of people whom original 〓 needs to have made 〓 busy in 〓 the world. Mouth 〓 of Beijing 〓〓 in 2008 exactly: Same 〓 the world and same 〓〓 hope a certain day 〓〓〓 thinks me of 〓〓〓. It thinks. 。

=(은)는 1=어울리지 않은 세계에서, 아름다운=, 일본의 인민=은 물건==풍족한 생활을 쓰고, 매년 모두 대량으로 많은=의 식품을 버리게 되고, 상반되고, 지구의 다른 1의 것=으로, 얼굴==의 소홀히 하는 권세=많은 사람이 있고, 특히=는 아프리카의 인민으로,=는 일==을 얻지 않는다.뿌리=1===은, 아프리카 인민이 7초 평균해=는=부족을 위해 죽는 1명이 있고, 1==심=자다.(이)라고 지적하고 있다.

=(은)는 있고, 회사= 위에 노력해==의 인민을 구조하는 많은==이 있고,=는 누르는=작용을 발휘한 것 만이 아니어서, 인민도 시켜도와=가=세계에서=가 바쁘게 한 것을 필요로 하는 많은 사람이 있는 것인 것을 알고 있다.확실히 2008년의 북경==의 입=같다:동일한=세계, 동일한==은, 나는 있는 날===이===를 생각하는 것을 바란다.(이)라고 생각한다.

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