Moonlight 曲譜

2007-01-22 5:23 am
I want the Moonlight 曲譜!!!!!!!即係do mi so do mi so...個首

回答 (2)

2007-01-22 4:40 pm
Public Domain Edition

2007-01-23 01:20:08 補充:
Meaning of Public Domain When the copyright, patent or other proprietary restrictions expire, the work enters the public domain and may be used by anyone for any purpose.

2007-02-26 00:20:34 補充:
quote: 畢竟上網抄譜不是太好的
Your statement is not true

You can download sheet music in public domain

Meaning of Public Domain

When the copyright, patent or other proprietary restrictions expire, the work enters the public domain and may be used by anyone for any purpose.
2007-01-22 7:41 am
係唔係C# minor 調嗰首? 古典結他獨奏啱唔啱........?

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