✔ 最佳答案
正常成年人每天水的需要量約爲2500毫升,而兒童生長代謝旺盛,加之組織細胞增生時蓄積水分多,故需水量比成人多,一般每公斤體重需水約50~160毫 升。然而兒童的各水代謝器官功能還未完善,調節和代償功能差,容易出現水代謝障礙,若讓孩子喝水過多則會影響其健康。 造成水中毒:兒童若1次或多次飲 用過多的水,而腎髒對過多的水分又未能及時排出,便會引起水在體內瀦留,先是細胞外液滲透壓降低,繼而水分進人細胞內,導致細胞內、外液滲透壓降低。此時 輕者可出現頭昏腦脹、疲乏懶動;重則出現神志恍惚、意識障礙。 引起胃腸功能紊亂:兒童劇烈活動後立即喝水易引起胃腸損傷或功能紊亂。因劇烈活動後胃腸 道血管處於收縮狀態,大部分血液集中到肌肉中去,大量喝水後水分在胃腸道積聚,會使人産生悶脹感。由于水分過多,沖淡了胃內消化液,使消化功能減退,食欲 降低,久而久之,還會引起胃粘膜病變。 增加心、腎髒負荷:喝水過多,使血容量急劇增加,正在工作的心髒負擔加重,須進行強有力收縮才能代償。而腎髒在 短時間內排泄出較多水分,亦會消耗能量。反複如此工作,心、腎也會"疲勞",使其功能減退。 引起尿頻和遺尿症:兒童(特別是嬰幼兒)排尿的調節功能還 不穩定,若喝水太多,可使排尿"開關"失靈,導致尿頻或遺尿。兒童在欲排尿時受到懲罰不能及時排尿,還可出現神經性排尿困難。家長對兒童飲水量應適當控 制,根據兒童心理需要量,一般每日飲水量應爲:1歲以下約700毫升左右;2-3歲780毫升左右;4-7歲約950毫升左右;8-9歲約1050毫升左 右;10-14歲約1100毫升左右,其餘可從食品中獲得。此外應根據氣候、季節、活動強度等情況酌情調整。
drink too much water:
kidneys cant cope with the excess amount of water in the body
so body will swells up (odema)
yes if not treated patient will die.
drugs called diuretics
they get rid of water inside body
and also stop drinking water!
or increase metabolism, for example exercise, to increase sweating. (but i doubt u can move much when the person would be full of water!)
go to a steam room, sauna room, increase sweating might help.
PS .be careful when taking diuretics because many of them also takes away potassium, and you may get hypokalaemia (low potassium) as a results, there are some diuretics that are potassium sparing. need to ask doctors for further information
hope that helps