
2007-01-22 3:11 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-22 5:13 pm
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Hong Kong must use English to be the teaching medium. It is because Hong Kong is a place with not much competitive advantage. High standard in Chinese and English becomes a more and more important advatage when Hong Kong has lost its leading edges gradully.
Someone may argue that using mother tongue to teach can make students study happily, but is it really the most important to make students study happy rather than equip them with basic English standard? One sad truth of Hong Kong education is that, it is no use for a student to have excellent academic result, since Hong Kong has not leading research jobs for student with high academic performance. Except for the tiny portion cream of the cream students, most students cannot use their knowledge learnt from school directly in their works except the language skills, so how to equip our students with basic bilangual skills is the most practical problems for our education system to train really productive workforce.
If Hong Kong continue her wrong way to teach students with mother tongue, we will lost our special status of as a linkage between China to foreign countries, which this status has already faded out gradully right now.
Besides, I always think that the past practise of mix mode teaching, that means use English textbook and use mother tongue as teaching medium, is the best way to our teaching. It is because this can ensure our students' academic standard and equip them with some bilangual ability, this is absolutely better than totally give up one of the language, especially the much more important English.
2007-01-22 3:18 am
I agree with using English as a teaching medium because students can communicate with foreigners in English. People with good English skills can survive better in the commercial world.
2007-01-22 3:16 am
I agree because English is an international laggage, it can help us to contract to other easily.

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