英文功課 太難 我認為

2007-01-22 12:23 am
Put the words in the rightorder .Pay attentionto the punctuation and capital letters.

回答 (5)

2007-01-22 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Aithough Pansy gets high marks she is not clever .
2.Ken is not rich but he usually shares things with me.
3.Although Barry was sick,he still went to school.
2007-01-22 1:19 am
1. Pansy is not very clever although she gets high marks.
2. Ken is not rich but he usually shares things with me.
3. Although Barry was sick, he still went to school.
參考: me
2007-01-22 12:32 am
1.Pansy is not clever although she gets high marks.
2. Ken is not rich but he shares thi ngs with me usually.

3. Although Barr y was sick, he still we nt to school.

2007-01-22 12:30 am
1.Pansy gets high marks although she os not clever .
2.Ken usually shares with me but se is not rich.
3.Barry went to school although he was still sick.
2007-01-22 12:29 am
1. Pansy is not very clever although she gets high marks.
2. Ken is not rich but he usually shares things with me.
3. Although Barry was sick, he still went to school.

2007-01-22 18:05:29 補充:
其實呢好多個講法都得.. "but" 句子是可以掉亂次序的..although就要睇睇有無commar囉..第三題最尾有(,) , 所以Although要行先, 中間擺(,)
參考: very easy la

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