有咩economic reasons引致世界第2次大戰呀?

2007-01-21 11:05 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-21 11:13 pm
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第二次戰役 1918年5~6月,德軍在埃納河地區實施進攻後,形成正面80公里、縱深60公里的馬恩河突出部。隨後,德軍統帥部計劃在馬恩河地區集中3個集團軍的兵力(第7、第1、第3集團軍,共48個師,6353門火炮、約400架飛機),從蒂耶裏堡、埃納河地段突破協約國軍隊防線,爾後向巴黎發展進攻,以奪取戰爭的勝利。法國第6、第5和第4集團軍 (共36個師,3080門火炮)採取縱深梯次配置組織防禦,並準備適時轉入反攻。7月15日零時30分,法軍出其不意地對即將發起進攻的德軍實施猛烈的襲擊。4時50分,德軍第1、第3集團軍經3個多小時的炮火打擊後,在蘭斯以東發起進攻,突破法軍第一道陣地,但在第二道陣地前被猛烈炮火所阻。德第7集團軍在若爾戈訥、聖埃弗雷茲地段突破法第5、第6集團軍防線,推進5~8公里,並強渡馬恩河。法軍航空兵和炮兵轟炸馬恩河各渡口和橋梁,遲滯德軍前進。16~17日,德軍企圖發展進攻,未果。

協約國軍隊在防禦過程中增調部隊準備反攻。聯軍總司令F.福煦決心由法第10、第6集團軍(25個步兵師、3個騎兵師,包括8個美軍師、4 個英軍師、2個意軍師,共2103門火炮、1100架飛機、500輛坦克)從馬恩河突出部西側對當面德軍(18個師,918門火炮、約800架飛機)實施主攻,法第9、第5集團軍從突出部東側實施助攻,以解除德軍對巴黎的威脅。7月18日4時35分,法第10、第6集團軍在徐進彈幕射擊掩護下,未經炮火準備即在貝洛至豐特努瓦50公里正面上向德軍發起反攻,當日推進 3.2~8公里。19日,第9、第5集團軍從東面發起反攻。德軍傷亡慘重,于21日向馬恩河北岸撤退。8月2日,協約國軍隊收復蘇瓦松,至8月4日肅清馬恩河突出部的德軍。雙方戰線在埃納河和韋勒河地區趨於穩定。


2007-01-22 20:42:27 補充:
Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy (left) and Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany.Main articles: Causes of World War II, Events preceding World War II in Europe, and Events preceding World War II in Asia
2007-01-22 7:28 am

Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy (left) and Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany.Main articles: Causes of World War II, Events preceding World War II in Europe, and Events preceding World War II in Asia

The immediate causes of World War II are generally held to be the German invasion of Poland, and the Japanese attacks on China, the United States, and the British and Dutch colonies. In each of these cases, the attacks were the result of a decision made by authoritarian ruling elites in Germany and Japan. World War II started after these aggressive actions were met with an official declaration of war, armed resistance or both.

Hideki Tojo of Imperial JapanThe Nazi Party came to power in Germany by democratic means, although after acquiring power they eliminated most vestiges of Germany's democratic system. The reasons for their popularity included their renouncement of the Treaty of Versailles (particularly Article 231, known as the "Guilt Clause"), which had placed many restrictions on Germany since the end of the World War I; staunch anti-communism; the Dolchstosslegende; and promises of stability and economic reconstruction. They also appealed to a sense of Germanic identity, superiority and entitlement, which would play an important role in starting the war, as they demanded the integration of lands they considered to be rightfully belonging to Germany. Hitler was portrayed by himself, his party, and his book Mein Kampf as an almost otherworldly savior for the German people.

Imperial Japan in the 1930s was largely ruled by a militarist clique of Army and Navy leaders, devoted to Japan becoming a world colonial power. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 and China in 1937 to bolster its meager stock of natural resources and extend its colonial control over a wider area. The United States and the United Kingdom reacted by making loans to China, providing covert military assistance, pilots and fighter aircraft to Kuomintang China and instituting increasingly broad embargoes of raw materials and oil against Japan. These embargoes would potentially have eventually forced Japan to give up its newly conquered possessions in China or find new sources of oil and other materials to run their economy. Japan was faced with the choice of withdrawing from China, negotiating some compromise, developing new sources of supply, buying what they needed somewhere else, or going to war to conquer the territories that contained oil, bauxite and other resources in the Dutch East Indies, Malay and the Philippines. Believing the French, Dutch and British governments more than occupied with the war in Europe, the Soviets reeling from German attacks and that the United States could not be organized for war for years and would seek a compromise before waging full scale war, they chose the latter, and went ahead with plans for the Greater East Asia War in the Pacific. [1]

The direct cause of the United States' entry into the war with Japan was the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Germany declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941.


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