法國葡萄酒有沒有舊製法 ? 和新製法有什麼不同? (快 ...)

2007-01-21 8:54 pm
請列明如何製造 , 十萬分感激 ...
ps : 是否因為工業革命 ?

回答 (1)

2007-01-22 2:03 pm
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法國葡萄酒舊製法 ???

I dont think so we can call 舊製法 ... 製法 is always traditional in France, only people change some small details.

For the Big one (5 level chateau堡 classification list in 1855, 堡 level list called Cru bourgeois superieur, and Cru Bourgeois exceptionnel in Bordeaux), who products 高級葡萄酒, their vendange ( grape harvest) still use with hand. some small AOC or vin de table/pays often do this with machine, for economic reason.

Before some people 破碎葡萄 with feet la.

榨出發酵後的葡萄酒 : 榨汁機 or flow little by little in metal 桶 (écoulage). and 熟成 with oak wood 酒桶.

~ we taste some wine and feel " many « wood » but also many fruit," ( Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1993, 2eme grand cru classé, saint julien. for exe )
And now 酒桶 can made by metal but so often use to wine need youth 裝瓶 (drink more fastly than big wine):

熟成 for small wine, with wood generally is for taste of american consumer ( 酒桶 not too big then Barrel / Fût) ~ only the big château have condition to make well with new wood big volume 酒桶 ( en fûts neuf), very expensive.

Attention ! All « big » château堡 products their wine with oak wood (new) 酒桶 ~ for exe : château Pavie ( wine from Aoc saint émilion 1er grand cru classe B,1800hk$ or more per bottle for 2001.)

I find some interesting information for 法國葡萄酒如何製造, Luckly, many people in Yahoo here and i dont need to work too hard :) !

Copyright aa003322111 :

大體上來說,每一種葡萄酒釀造的方式,會因其特性而有所不同。對紅酒而言,無論是用傳統或現代的製酒方法,釀酒師的製酒技巧,是決定紅酒好壞與成敗的最主要因素。釀酒師就像是一名大廚師或大指揮家,在他的比例拿捏與嚴格管控之下,方能做出最完美迷人的混合風味。採收下來的紅葡萄在去梗之後…. http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006122100968&others=1

If you want to know more the wine from « new world » , Mr. ching_sheung is a good specialist !
參考: i'm saler of fine wine of bordeaux

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