高手,請幫忙!!!! 翻譯plz

2007-01-21 6:54 pm
我也喜歡當翻譯,學習這一科的同時也可以知道不同地方的文化. 我自己本身都識好多種語言, 廣東話,英文,普通話,etc. 學習不同的語言對現社會十分重要. 學習多一種語言對自己也是一種保障. 正因如此,透過翻譯,我可以傳遞不同人的意見和 這個工作需要非常盡責,同時也要轉述得清清楚楚以免流失工作.

回答 (3)

2007-01-21 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to be a translator because I can learn about other cultures. I speak several different languages such as Cantonese, English and Putonghua. I think learning different languages is important and it is also an important communication skill. I believe that by means of translation, I act as a medium to convey different ideas of different people and I think it relies high responsibility. At the same time, these ideas must be delivered clearly and correctly to avoid loss of information during transmission.
2007-01-21 7:53 pm
The master, please help! ! ! ! 高手,請幫忙!!!! 翻譯plz
Translates plz I also like when translates, studies this branch at the sametime also to be allowed to know the different place the culture Iitself all knows many languages, Cantonese, English, the standardspoken Chinese, etc. studies the different language to be extremelyimportant to the present society Studies more than 1 languages tooneself also is one kind of safeguard Because of so, the penetrationtranslation, I may transmit the different person's opinion and thisjob requirement extremely fulfills responsibility, simultaneously alsomust rephrase in own words clearly in order to avoid drains the work
2007-01-21 6:58 pm
I also like when translates, studies this branch at the same time also to be allowed to know the different place the culture I itself all knows many languages, Cantonese, English, the standard spoken Chinese, and so on Studies the different language to be extremely important to the present society Studies more than 1 languages to oneself also is one kind of safeguard Because of so, the penetration translation, I may transmit the different person's opinion and this job requirement extremely fulfills responsibility, simultaneously also must rephrase in own words clearly in order to avoid drains the work .
參考: Yahoo! Babel Fish

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